Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Stars

                                          The Stars

After three hours of Soft Skills Development class  with many activities with stressful mind from this mundane world and endless circles to complete before I leave forever. Passing the trails back to my room was rejoicing experiences with some conversation that we four friends of V.M Mansion always spat on each other based on our critical judgement. To whom should I shall converse with while I was cooking  my dinner for this lonely evening hours inside my room. Deeply silent and dark out side where I cannot even hear the dogs barking either nor the cricking sounds of insects to listen.

There are  no friends around me either but far away in the dark sky I can  see beautiful stars  twinkling  at me with their great lights being on. That was wonderful scene ever I saw before being piled up with loads of assignments and worries in my mind of the future. Cutting the vegetables on the chopping board and peeling the potatoes for the curry that I am wishing to prepare for my grumbling stomach. Oh! Thinking of home makes me feel deeply saddened since I am missing the ready made meals from my beloved wife. No one is there to shower me with love and care but struggles and burden continue to pile on and on. The more I drive inside the real life journey oneself is defeating and mentally stressful to cope up. There is the feeling of total emptiness and uselessness in my life having to struggle for that may repay me little in later days.

In times of hard and pain, you Mr. Stars have understood my sadness and boredom inside my mind while I pursue this useless goals of learning to become better person which may not happen at all. No one can understand my pain and sickness, rather they mock at me when I express. You heavenly stars, with lovely smile and gentle twinkles on your face did shower me with feeling of happiness and befriended. I know you share your consolations and love  that even my families don't do in real life. Who bothers whether I am alive or dead? For they have their own agendas pressing them and bogged down completely. The feeling of rejection from the society, family and friends are deeper and heavier. It is the truth, the forces of past karma is unavoidable and have to be repaid. The blame goes to myself for wrong doing in the past life and undergoing now those repayment processes. Be happy with what you have and what you do Mr. Mindu! That is more than anything as a gift is my self consolatory note.

Mr. Stars, I am happy for your kind smiles and taking away my pains and sufferings acting as the messenger of Buddhas in the ten directions. Though I may not understand what you mean to say exactly, but you belong to the heavenly bodies of gods and goddess. I envy your life above and far away without much agendas like mine. If you are powerful and kind in nature, take me away from this hellish life on the back of you. Dreaming to live life in peaceful and calm atmosphere but there is no way to get on this earth. Bring me the good blessings  of the Buddhas and deities to empower me with their qualities. The moment I see you, my mind can travel and touch you softly but this  ugly body is still left behind with loathe and wants. When shall I fly away freely twinkling in the vast sky without worries and duties? Will I really do that? Will you really help me?

There is nothing more powerful than Nature to console our tortured mind due to mundane activities. You stars are great and lovely families being united forever but I am not. I am separated for many months and still to go ahead before I join them like you in the rejoicing mood. Will that rejoice come to me? Since our life is uncertain and death is certain!. Can any one forecast my schedule for death so that I can prepare well and no more shocks to pound me! Anyway, my dream to join my family back in Bhutan soon like you Mr. Stars having family in vast empty spaces blissfully.  May your happiness be shared with me and take away my worldly burdens and worries. Give me your power and blessings so that I can also join your family one day in the realms of heavenly abodes and do convey my inner messages, to my family and  country people to enjoy the short life, since schedules are different. We may not meet either.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

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