Monday, February 17, 2014

AP Chundu(powerful Local deity, Haa District) and His Wrathful Appearances.

AP Chundu (Powerful Local Deity, Haa District) and His Wrathful Appearances

Bhutan as the land of Thunder Dragon filled with beliefs and mysticism that the local deities are part and parcel of culture to offer our deep respect and annual festivities to appease and get their help in any activity that we carry out. Our credit of success and achievement directly goes to them. Such is the culture our forefathers passed on to this twentieth first century minds. Otherwise, we are doomed to suffer from scanty rainfall, earthquakes, landslides and windstorms destroying the houses and crops frequently since our local deity is not really satisfied and happy with our annual festivity or offerings in the form of animal sacrifices. The shamanistic way of offering to our so called local deities to as annual feast. This culture of sacrificing live animals were flourished for many centuries ago when Buddha Dharma was not introduced in Bhutan. Such mind set was carried on by our parents till date for the fear of wrathful attack from local deities if missed or challenged them by not sacrificing animals instead.

In the 8th Century, Guru Rinpoche visited Bhutan twice from Tibet and subdued the local deities and transformed them as protecting deity of Dharma in every regions. They even agreed not to have animal sacrifices henceforth after taking oath from Guru Rinpoche but some continued to do so. The practical example is the sacrifice of Yak, sheep, goat and cock to Ap  Chundu (Local deity) at Haa District until this year.  The people of Haa feared so much that Ap Chundu will punish them with diseases and natural calamities if challenged or missed. The killing is sinful act in Buddhsim but circumstances forced people to do so for survival. The vows and oath taken during 8th century  from Guru Rinpoche was broken by Ap Chundu indeed and he claimed to stick to his old habit of eating and drinking hot bloods of animals. Was Ap Chundu doing any justice to his oaths said in front of Guru Rinpoche or is he digging his own graveyard?  And is he creating confusion to the people's mind with his mighty show off. Will his might and thirst for hot blood remain forever or sustainable advantage in Bhutan?

The time has come for Ap Chundu to surrender his way of life and his support to local community from drinking hot blood to merciful life as the true Dharma protector recently.  The might and old habit were replaced by his compassionate and love for sentient beings. The habit of Ap Chundu posed many questions in my mind and just did not like it. And I was just praying that Ap Chundu may change his butcher habit to compassionate deity.  My thoughts and ill feelings were responded with horrible and terrible dream whereby I was dragged to Ap Chundu's Goenkhang suddenly one night. There Ap Chundu showed with his might and wrathful faces blazing fire on me. He is really fearful indeed when he showed his drama in my dreams. The local people really cannot challenge his position as god of war and might of destruction that he may bring. Nevertheless, a brief  visualization of my Yidam Vajra Kilaya in my dream; dissolved Ap Chundu's  mighty show and destructive nature  into emptiness. Thereafter, Ap Chundu dare not disturb me in my dreams with his wrathful forms even if I have bad feelings towards his life style.

My expectations and hope came true when the people of Haa decided to discontinue with their animal sacrifices to Ap Chundu from this year. The people threw the dice in the Goenkhang of Ap Chundu for his acceptance to change from old habit and live peacefully. The dice came out in favor of acceptance and good omen. Therefore, the sacrifice of live animal to him annually is replaced by other ritualistic offerings that will satiate his taste for meat and blood until the Samasara comes to an end. This news really struck my ears and made me feel utmost happiest man on earth. May the yaks, sheep, goats and hens live long and peacefully for there is no sacrifice to Ap Chundu hereafter. The fear of being killed by hired knife is now end to these poor animals of Haa. Imagine if I were surrounded by butchers for sacrifice for one's meals? The trauma and pain that I may undergo is immeasurable before I am killed or slaughtered. Such feelings and sadness were experienced by these innocent animals. Who is willing to die? Who dares to be eaten by someone? Everyone loves our life and want to have peaceful surroundings. For, animals cannot speak out but they cry in silence at heart. May you all have mercy on animals and give them limitless love and care.

Nevertheless, there are some local deities in Kurtoe Khoma who demands animals sacrifices annually inflicting pain on animals and messing up the Buddha Dharma into butcher house. The evil and good exist together in the land of Thunder Dragon which is unavoidable combination. Hoping high one day, even that local deity will change his mind like Ap Chundu saving animals in the future. The time will bring change to everyone and realization will strike suddenly that I am digging my own graveyard? It can happen to the Gods, Demons, Spirits and human beings indicating the impermanence nature of life in any forms.

This incident narration might hurt the sentiment of our die hard believers Bhutan (Haa and Lhuntse) in local deities and their support for many generations. I am not criticizing or dehumanizing our cult culture and strong belief and attachment that we have in such deeply rooted culture. But, it is my observation and some analysis passed, based on my dreams with Ap Chundu here in Bangkok, VM Mansion. The dreams are just dreams not real. Don't take it seriously. Sharing it for fun and making it more enjoyable reading. I am just taking my readers to the world of  imagination and dreams being tired of daily chores. The merits that I gained from writing this incident of Ap Chundu is hereby dedicated to all sentient beings and particularly to Ap Chundu to get enlightenment as  destined by Guru Rinpoche along with the retinue of seventy five Yeshi Gonpos and Pelden Lhamo by the end of the Aeon.. May the protection of Ap Chundu bring peace and continued sovereignty to our Nation for generations to come under the vigilance of Guru Rinpoche & Zhabdrung Rinpoche.

written by: Mindu Wangdi


  1. if you could stretch some more on origin of App Chundu and how they became the local guardian deities ...??

  2. Please buy the book called legend of phola masang chundu
