Monday, February 17, 2014

The Leaf and Old Women

The leaf and an old women

Watching and resting in my balcony here in room number 207 of V.M Mansion in Bangkok is my daily chore starting from 6 AM and goes on till dawn of dusk of the day with wonderful sun setting in the west. It is not the sun  setting but my life is getting shorter daily and days are numbered for ending the human life show on this earth. Life in Bangkok is really mixed with pain and sufferings which I never experienced before. This sufferings were created with my bad deeds in the past life which I cannot say no but endure with patience to pay off in this life. The law of Karma( cause & effect) is subtle that we cannot easily comprehend and judge it. 

Looking through the balcony; I saw the dried leaves falling from the trees on the ground teaching me the truth of impermanence as any compounded things will dismantle. The seasons make you (tree) beautiful, fresh and it also sheds away everything from you. The poor tree has no power to remain forever green with majestic look in front of me. Your flowers and fruits gave me the soothing power of naturalness and calm atmosphere with birds hovering and chirping with wonderful songs that I hear and record. The squirrels hunting for foods through you and having fights with their competitors for survival on the trees. The home for birds and squirrels is temporary and sure to fall down with seasons rule. How nice to see you (tree) serve as the best home for such tiny species of birds and squirrels. You even provided me the shed from scorching sun with gentle breeze that I never get in City life. Seeing you, drives my memory back to childhood days with cows freely wandering in the forests playing flute music as only the charm that I draw from. The nature is my mother who really consoles in times of hard and sadness. You embrace my worries and pains and showers me with happiness and peace. 

The fallen leaves have no right to decay as they wished and landed on by the force of Nature. Suddenly an old women came out from the house and picked the fallen leaves to be thrown away to owner's land immediately. The tree belongs to different owner. It was sad to notice that you (leaf) even do not have right to be buried in proper land. Who cares what is happening with you? The world is ruled by cruel people without any feelings and gratitude for your kind shed, breeze and home that you provide to many birds.  But the limping and heartless women with help of her stick push  you away from their land. This real drama made me  to question myself deeply. why this old limping women  could not allow the leaves to decay peacefully instead of throwing away to owner's land? They must be a long standing enemy to the neighbor.The so called idea of my land and their trees is conflicting and warring in her mind. There is fence being raised to indicate that their area and no one has right to enter in it. The human beings are closing their hearts and minds for the benefit of others. The selfishness and personal ego of attaching too much to our land and property really lead to disharmony and trust waning life on this earth. This is very small lesson that I learned from this old limping women and falling leaf.

The main reason why there is war and conflicts on this earth is due to our attachment and clinging towards self. Everything belongs to us; the natural resources and the economy. Every Nations have security boundary lines that we cannot cross easily and freely. The world leaders tend to operate in the minds of this "old limping women" not understanding the reality of impermanence and perfect co-existence as neighborhood.  The leaders should not rule the world with power and money but with love and kindness. We should not treat our neighbors as an enemy or competitors in their business world and kill with hired knife. The leaf and women taught me this wonderful lesson as how we should live on this earth being ruled by compassion and love rather than war and enmity mind. This is just my observation and analysis to the falling leaf incident and old women's mentality. Hope it would have some plus points to the leaders to handle our neighbors in prefect way to gain peace and happiness on this earth that every one longs for.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi 


  1. Good one, you rightly pointed out how mean we have become that not even a fallen leaf can go back to mother earth the nature's way. We have created more physical and mental boundaries that we cannot even co-exist side by side as neighbours and this is the base that obviously lead to conflicts. In the end all these are futile pursuit that we cannot realize and thus waste our precious lives.

    1. that is true sir...simple observation and lesson for all.

  2. I like the way you think Mindu ....
