Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Facebook and Wechat

Facebook and Wechat

The modernization has made our life very easy and comfortable to connect and communicate globally. The world is just a global village for few seconds tab with the dawn of internet and social networks. Indeed, I belonged to the generation "X" citizen (Born in (1979)  but forced to shift to generation "Y" now. Otherwise, I am left out and isolated by the
society. Having the genes of generation "X"; trying to become a new guy is really tough and challenging. Building an adaptability  and flexibility nature sometimes drives you crazy. I, am sure many of the baby boomers and generation "X" friends must doing the same thing to cope up with the jump of generation "Y" where the social networks entangles everyone and being bogged down finally in Techno-savvy world. Nothing remains same forever, change is the permanent process. We all should eat, sleep, live according to the time, space and generation; if not the isolation and frustration will kill us or socially push out permanently leaving alone and people will think that you are just a fool.

The life with Facebook and Wechat is wonderful and memorable one. The Facebook is a social network which provides a best forum for sharing our views and posting of photos that we liked the most. Our status are updated in the Facebook for friend's information. Each and every users wants to show off their present moment of happiness, sadness, successes, failures, anger, jealousy, wrath, ignorance, slumber, teachings, marketing, assignments, partners, initiatives, agendas, programs, writings, views, comments, rejections, blocking, invitations, love, marriages, games, criticism, enmity, arousal, charismatics, groups, donations, advertisements, seminars, meetings, business plan and new products. The list of activities goes on and on with Facebook and its applications. Facebook is the biggest and vast space forum for each of the global users to explore and swim together without knowing the directions where we all we land up finally. 

I am also one of the swimmers along with  my global friends and having fun before I get drawn underneath completely. Our precious time is mostly wasted by visiting the Facebook and chating for an hours for fun. There are some hidden intentions too from both sides that I cannot detect very easily. The agenda of chating is sometimes misleading and confusing even to myself. Am I doing justice to my own consciences? or I am becoming just a victim of Facebook and blowing away all my secrets to be used by the global marketers to hammer on me with their products. Since, every steps, words and photos that we upload are being recorded and analyzed by someone behind for sale as solid  information. Therefore, we the users, must filter out information before we post in any social networks if we want to protect oneself from future complications and lost. The users make someone behind the curtain millionaires easily.

I am grateful to Facebook for connecting me with my family, friends, foes, strangers, lovers round the clock. With you I share my happiness, love, sadness, downfalls, hatred and anger. Living alone in my room during free hours and intervals. I, frequently visit you for chating with my friends and family members in Bhutan. Without you I am alone and sad and disconnected from my friends for may hours. It is believed that the Buddhas of ten directions too are connected with power of their meditation in far distances though they do not have broadband connections linked with Facebook and Wechat for entertainment and teaching purposes. How nice it is to be connected and live in small global village with the modernization of social networks. 

My life has become so easy to exchange and send information to all of my friends which was not possible in those days. The messages were to be sent through messenger that took months to reach Thimphu from our village. No more, those time of hard and struggles are gone and replaced by faster means to send my feelings with wrath, love and missing  to the receiver. As said by Dzongsar Jamyange Khentse Rinpoche in one of his teachings;  I quote "Your rejection from the lover or wife may come instantly in the form of message" I unquote. That is true, most of the time, myself and friends got rejected from their so called girlfriends, boy friends chat friends for silly reasons by blocking access and warning online. The game of love brings pain and suffering to everyone but we all have to play as per the cupid's arrow and karmic wind's directions. Play for  the fun and sign out when it becomes too irritable and back to square one. Life is for fun not for serious quarrel and fighting for silly matters.

The latest social network that I am using is Wechat. I am introduced to this network by generation Y. They are very expert in using this network. In case of me just learning to use it for fun and entertainment. By Joining the group called Trongsap Doro recently was fabulous experience to expedite the Wechat usage. I tried to send  voice message to the group for fun but it became so serious. The group members questioned of my region and identity. The girls asked for the reasons for joining their groups since I am not from Trongsa at all. My reply to the group was just for fun and entertainment purpose, I joined in. There were strong objections and resentment to my membership. The group did not want me to be there either as stranger or outsider. It was meant only for the Trongsap Doros.

 I was just wandering, what is wrong if someone joins in your regional group and share something? They took me as a threat to their forum of Trongsap Doros and I felt it was another instant rejection from the Bhutanese people rejecting their own people. Are we Bhutanese becoming really selfish and wants to hide regional feelings and follow principle of "social Divide" by throwing our feeling of oneness and unification. We all want to be different now; branding as Sharchops, Ngalops and Lhotshampas. The values of oneness is at question  with this simple incident when I started the Wechat in this group. I have been experiencing the sad incidents while we do class assignment with my Thai friends too.  The language they speak is Thai that I cannot understand at all and I am just silent listener but not the contributor.  The feeling of wider rejection again comes to me at National level from domestic arena. It is really sad and unhappy trend developing based on our critical judgement and self-clinging of "We" and "You". The idea of, We are different than you. Who bothers?  The communication gets blurred and vague, the harmony of co-existence is gone. This is just a food for thought for the world leaders to ponder and refine it if is going wrong.

Nevertheless, the Wechat entertains me with voice messages and wonderful songs sent from Bhutan. Listening to their beautiful voices makes me feel at home. My memories are always cheerful and blissful. Their songs uplift my spirit and releases my tiredness from this worldly chore of study even at this old age here in Bangkok. The life is full of lessons and learning from friends and foes that refines me to become a good human being. My prayer is always with you all who rejected my friendships and love through Facebook and Wechat. May you all live happy and long life filled with prosperity and wealth. May you are dreams come true. For sure, we all are playing the game of life without much directions. Our self-judgment of intelligence and smarter than other guys may bring bottle-neck to our success in life. It would be far better if we remain as what we are? Instead trying to become what we are not? We are losing our intrinsic value forever for sake of one ego.

My last but not the least, thankful goes to the Facebook and Wechat friends for making me better person with your valid comments, postings and rejections.  It was really enlightening experience for me. Since it is the truth that you all taught me. I will never delete from my black-box.

written by: Mindu Wangdi

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