Saturday, February 15, 2014

Talo Gyeb and His show.

Talo Gyeb and His show.

As a Bhutanese, I heard many mysterious stories of Talo Gyeb at Talo Gonpa in Punakha with his wrathful forms, power and protection given to His Holiness Dudjom Dorje or His Holiness Zhabdrung Rinpoche who unified our country from war torn barbaric land to a peaceful of Thunder Dragon. It proved true when I had a real encounter with Talo Gyeb in formless show during my short and brief visit to Nalenda University at Talo.

I was appointed as National Observer to Wandgiphodrang District during the local government elections. I always headed towards Punakha after my duty is over for spending night with my sister and brother In-law who works at Punakha as care taker to Punakha High school. Days have passed on with traveling to Office and home. Nevertheless, one day I went to visit Nalenda University at Talo to gain some merits with some stuffs to be offered to the monastery. It was really holy place after reaching the University that gave me peace and calm by just a look and gaze on it.  The caretaker took me to different chapels and provided me with the brief explanations of all paintings and statues. The origin of name as Nalenda University in connection to the flying of seven Mahasiddhas from Nalenda University in India to explore best places in Bhutan to establish the same University for it was undergoing lot of destruction from anti-Buddhist forces. The seven Mahasidas in the form of birds landed on this current location of Nalenda at Talo foreseeing the best place to initiate Buddhist College equivalent to Indian Nalenda Uinversity to uphold Buddha Dharma in the future. The College was opened as  forecast left by the great Mahasiddas and supporting the true followers to learn Buddhist philosophy and practice for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Having an audience with Talo Tulku (Ex-Je Khenpo) was the most wonderful and lucky experience. He was kind enough to provide me with Mani Lung which was composed by Zhabdrung Rinpoche. Indeed he  initiated this Nalenda University during his reign as Je-khempo or Spiritual leader. I also heard that he even saw the Gadhen Paradise. It is believed that the Future Buddha is currently in this paradise as officiating Buddha after Lord Buddha passed away to Blissful land with his naked eyes while he was with his master. Due to time limit, I could not visit his foot prints up in the hills that he left for sentient beings to gather merits by just having glance on it. That was brief reflections of my visit to Nalenda University and that I learned from  the caretaker through oral transmission.

The road seems so narrow and dangerous in this place. Many cars were parked on the hill that served as parking for all. It was an auspicious day. There were many visitors and travelers hovering around. It took me more than an hour to clear the road. Just few minutes of drive, I reached near a Chorten built along the road.  It is located in the deep jungle that no one can see from both sides. There I decided to do some meditation for few hours. Having unfolded my meditation mat on the ground and resumed with my meditation in calm and quiet forest. The day was sunny and the rays of sun pounded on my forehead and burning somehow. Nothing could move me and change my mind that resolved into meditation as instructed and guided by my compassionate masters. My master Tokdhen Rigzin Norbu ( Father of Khempo Katayana) once said, be aware of Khegpas (the human-head hunters)  when you meditate in forests with his laughter and smiles of compassion. I did not really understand what he means by saying this to me. Bhutan has long histories of Khegpas who really bothers our parents and I have to live with that dangerous stories looming around and we have no peaceful nights in the villages during my childhood.

Time and tide wait for none. I was deeply resolved into my meditation for hours in that deep jungle alone.  I did not realize how my time passed with my deep concentration. Suddenly, the oak trees in front of me started  shedding their leaves slowly. That did not really disturbed me or distort my meditative mood. The game or show did not stop here. There was no wind blowing either and no birds or monkeys on the trees. Everything was natural and calm atmosphere. But, the shedding of trees from the far distance were reaching near by me. Having started from big trees and small trees in front of me started to move to and fro. Then only I realized that something  fishy is going on by some demonic forces to obstacle my meditation and concentration.

The formless disturbance was almost nearby me when I realize it was external hidden demonic forces. As soon as I realize that could be the one. I visualized on my Yidam or Tutelary deity (Vajra Kilaya) for few seconds. To my surprise, the formless, deadly and  dramatic show come to an end suddenly. Everything went quiet and calm. The shedding and moving of trees without winds stopped like a magic show in the circus. By the power of my Yidam, it could not harm me and just temporary disturbances in my mind.  Thereafter, I started my journey back to Khuruthang. In that evening, I had a horrible dream that man with bow and an arrow in his hand started destroying the bridge that I was travelling  along with many people. Many of my friends got drowned in the river due to his harmful actions. Nevertheless, I was not left alone; the man in monk's robe came to me and rescued most of my friends from drowning. However, few friends could not survive. The monk helped us to cross the shore with his power. I really did not understand my dreams and its its significance. I, was still in doubt and confusions how it can linked to my life.

In the morning, I shared my dreams and Talo experience to an old man from Punakha. It was interesting and deeply experiential to know his explanation of my Talo experience and dreams being connected with Talo Gyeb and his mighty show to me. The old man said that Talo Gyeb will come in the form human being with bows and arrows to destroy enemy for anti-Buddhist forces. The personal protecting deity of Zhabdrung Rinpoche to safeguard from evil forces and uphold the Dharma lineages. Thereby, I knew it was Talo Gyeb who came to disturb my meditation and check my levels of realization. It was really fearful and memorable experience as a practitioner and beginner in the journey of self-Discovery. My mystery got resolved by this old man who has strong belief in Talo Gyeb and its protection for generations of its community. I, also feel very much thankful to Talo Gyeb for testing me at first and devoting all his energy to continue protecting the Dharma practitioners as commanded by Dudjom Dorji or Zhabdrung Rinpoche as long as there is existence on this earth. The show was really good and deeply memorable and will remain in my mind and heart before we all reach Zangdopelri Paradise.

My last request to all Buddhist practitioners on this earth; never leave any stones un-turned. keep on exploring the inner truth however you might face the deadly encounters from your enemies to block the path and formless demonic forces. We should always place our faith like mountains that cannot be moved and trust your master's pith instructions and empowerment. The peace and happiness is on our way. It is not that far. Due to my thin memory power, some of my accounts might be wrong in this story. Therefore, any valid comments are welcomed for corrections.

May you all live happy and peaceful life on this earth filled with the wealth of Zambalha( Wealth God). My prayers are always with you all for any cause and expectations. The merits that I gain from this story are finally dedicated to all sentient beings to gain ultimate truth and never wander in this same place for generations in different forms of lives completing the vicious circle of Samsara.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi


  1. Wow, what an experience! So, this is enriching story that must surely inspire many who have embarked on the journey of self discovery. Some will make the discovery faster and others will take long. You, seem to have already been reaching that final line. May you accomplish your pursuit and help others as a guide. God bless you.

  2. Thanks Gyembo sir for inspirational note...
