Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Self-Discovery and Reflections of my Junior High School days - Part 3 (1996-1997)

Self- Discovery and Reflections of My Junior High School Days- Part 3 (1997-1998)

My primary and raw schooling time period comes to an end when I was placed by the Board of Examination to Tshenkhar Junior High School from Yantgse Primary School. The new journey of my life started by admitting  in this fresh and unknown school as boarding student. There were many new faces from different schools being sent to it. The life style has to change according to time and place. The setting were completely different from primary school. Most of the friends were not that young but seems like a father of two kids if happened to be married back at home. The culture of childhood marriage makes Bhutanese people lose their bachelorhood and splinter-ship. The school is located above Docksum, Zanpozor under Khamdang Gewog on a beautiful hill top that provides bird's eye view of Tongzhang  and Khnini village. The academic blocks were far better than my earlier host. The hostel facilities were better and mess services satisfactory and nutritious.

Recollecting the events that took place in this school is like digging into an ocean for the lost debris of black-box of the crashed airplane to fix what went wrong with the airplane and pilot before being crashed. The human brains can retain events for few years with clarity but soon replaced and deleted from the memory. The old memories are sure to be sign out and the newest memories will sign in for few years before we lose our password for the  user log-in. This happened to my memories too. Most of the events are gone and erased from my computer chips and password is invalid now. In those days, the facilities of recording the events were rare and hardly seen as compared today. Bhutan has under gone milestone of change from isolated country  to highly interconnect to the outside world.

The major event that I could recollect were visiting to  Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh border with our class mates. It was wonderful and memorable event in my life, since I was accompanied by my kind girl friend Yuden who was studying in eight grade, one year senior to me. I am really thankful to Yuden for loving and caring me with her pack lunch every weekends. I, still remember and recollect those days with her. Your company and brief sign up with my life was blissful and memorable. Her hometown  was nearby the school area only. Though my look as youth was  not that really charming but she proposed me for the relationship. The karmic wind of love and cupid's arrow was shot on her to be linked with me. The game of love I played with her is imprinted in my heart and mind. Nothing can erased and delete from my memory chip. Not knowing what exactly love was and playing the game with Yuden somehow blindly made me feel on top of world. Though the forces of karmic wind lasted for only two years. Therefore, she sign out from my life and end of the game when we graduate from that school. My prayers for her brief stay with my life is unbreakable. May your dreams come true and live happy with your would be life partner is simplest prayer I can say today.

Another major and memorable incident took place in this school life was the punishment from our Principal for someone who stole the meat stock from the mess. The whole lot of dried pork or Sikam were taken over by  cutting the wire mesh of the window. The bad guys really did not confess to the crime of stealing and all the boys were given mass punishment to walk on knees  from rough road to school flag post. That was horrible and damaging punishment I ever had in my schooling life. Having reached the ending point, my knees were totally cut and bruised with bloods flooding out. Anyhow, the thieves were saved from the individual punishment but we all suffered without committing any crimes. It was not really a good idea as leader to put army life punishment.

To my surprise, I knew that this guys were Dewathangpa bad boys who shared  me when I passed out from that school after appearing common exams. It was really funny story they told me. These guys used to have a cave in the jungle for cooking the meals that they have stolen and enjoyed with local wines every evening. These guys even stole and lifted the hen coup of our teacher and killed all hens for their meals. But they were always in safe position. The teacher could not really traced out their criminal activities.That was really memorable event and story I could recollect even now. The criminals were smarter than police men. 

The famous Sharchopga song "Khu Khu" singer was from India. He was  my Bhutan history teacher and good friend of my brother, Tandin Wangdi. His good name was Joy. He was perfect in Sharchogpa dialects after long years of works in that school. He was very kind teacher who cared me like his own brother. I, used to visit his home for lunch during weekends and grateful to his care and love extended to me during my stay in that school. By now he must be very old man working as teacher in Wangdiphodrang district with his happy family. My sincere prayer is dedicated to Joy Sir and family for their  long and happy life in Bhutan and India. He was another true son of Bhutan who dedicated his selfless work for the betterment of Bhutanese youths by teaching Bhutan history and English language long time ago.

The faint memory of visiting chili garden for my appetite was another story I could recollect. Moreover, visiting of ground nut fields of the villagers during evenings to satiate my hungriness after long hours of study were the fond memories  that I could carry with me. Having done and appeared the common exam finally closed the chapter of my story.

This is how my junior high school days come to an end  abruptly leaving nothing behind. The foot prints of Mr. Mindu Wangdi will never be seen and traced out if I visit once more with my camera for record. For, it is the truth, "All compounded things are to be disintegrated one day" said Lord Buddha. Happy to meet but sorrow to depart.We all  departed as if the birds were flocking in different directions when attacked by an Eagle. The wind of karmic forces blew of us to our destinations and never to say Hi again.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi