Thursday, February 20, 2014

Self-Discovery and Reflections of my High School Days (1997-1998)

Self- Discovery and Reflections of My High School Days (1997-1998)

Jakar Dzong/ Fortress 
Browsing and combing through the Kuensel paper in the search of my index number for common exam result declared for eight grade and expected placement to fresh school which I appeared at Tshenkhar Junior High School before few months ago.  The only available magazine in Bhutan for wider distribution to the readers during my time. I don't remember any other magazines were there during that era.  The Bhutan Board of Examination usually declares our result in this paper with long lists. The index number was our only password to extract the marks from that thousands of students appeared for board examinations. Luckily I got pass through the common exam and I was placed to Jakar High School in Bumthang for the new journey of my academic life. Having prepared for the new journey towards Jakar High School with some stuffs required for boarding life. Travelling nearly five hours by bus  service from Mongar; I arrived finally to this new school or secondary home that I would live for two years in the journey of my life and in the search of knowledge that would make me better person one day.

Bumthang is famous for its harsh winter, freezing cold, and temperate summer. The main cash crops the farmers grow in Bumthang were apples and potatoes. The bee-keeping business was also flourishing during my brief stay as a student. Jakar High School is located few minutes of drive away by a car from Chamkhar town. The major events that I could recollect were like attending the Wang or blessings at Kharchu Dratshang of Namkhai Ningpo Rinpoche with my friends annually. The famous Tamshing Phak Lha Chotpa and Kurjay Drubchen of Kagong Phur Sum festivals. I even attended the Petsheling Gonpa Drupchen with some pack lunch provided by the school mess with friends. It was really good and religious tours that I made frequently to different places. The holy place like Tang Mebartsho" The Burning Lake" etc. Without knowing much of the essence and backgrounds. Everything went on smoothly with full support of my brother Tandin Wangdi in terms of finance and budgeting. My gratitude goes to him for educating me and providing me what I need in life.

The major event at Jakar that I could carry with me were my girl friends namely Ngawang and Lemo who again shared their valuable time and life with me for brief period.  Their support and love made me work hard even though I was just a poor performer in the exams. I recollect clearly having dates with them in the lush green meadows behind the school academic blocks. Eating momos (snacks)  in the canteen and sipping hot tea with them were the most memorable memories that I am carrying till now. The pack lunch and fried chili brought by Ngawang was really delicious and added my appetite. My prayers and wishes are always with them for their sacrifice and loving me with gentleness. May you both live happy and long life with your fated husband and prosper in life. We were  made to meet for brief moment to play the game of love and sign out when the karmic wind's power is over and out. The karmic wind changes the course of our love and game. nothing remains as we wished forever. That is how our relationship came to an end abruptly for silly reasons that I could not fleshed out here.

My best friends were Mr. Tempa Dorji and Mr. Sonam Dendup who is now working as a teacher in Bhutan. Mr. Sonam Dendup hailing from Tashigang Bartsham who really cared me when I was admitted to Wangdicholing Hospital for malaria diagnosis. He spared his classes to look after me in the hospital. It was hard time for me since I did not have any relatives in the strange land of Bumthang. Everyone is stranger to me though I am a Bhutanese. During the weekends, most of the friends used to visit Chamkhar town for shopping like pickles to add our appetite and pen for writing. We would wander in the town doing some window shopping since our pocket were thin and light. 

The pine forests in Bumthang at Lamai Gonpa used to be my best place for study in the shed and bonfire. Sonam Dendup would accompany me and we would be brushing through our mathematical problems. Mathematics was one of the boring and hatred subjects in my life.  I enjoyed learning Economics and Biology. The food that we used to get were not really enough for our grumbling stomach but left without  options to demand further. Visiting an apple gardens were one of our favorite occurrences to keep our mouths moving during free time and it would help us to compensate the hunger. 

Every beginning has its ending; in the same way, my schooling life in Jakar High School comes to an end by appearing the common exam for the tenth grade.The memories are faint and lost by now and gone into the air. It would be nice if the readers who passed out from Jakar High school in my batch could add on the events so that I can improve further as our own legacy on this earth. Having done the common exams in harsh winter; every one started to move towards their respective home places with happy and smiling faces. It  made me to feel  that we meet in the vegetable market for shopping briefly and depart to their homes with their agendas at hand and never to say "Hi" again. 

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

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