Thursday, February 27, 2014

Can Bhutanese People Afford to drive Nissan Leaf

Can Bhutanese People Afford to  drive Nissan Leaf
It is very charming to learn that that "Nission Leaf" costing approximately Nu.12,00,000 when converted from the dollar exchange value. This electric car will hit on Bhutnases market segments supported by our current government as their "Go Green Plan" and zero emission cars to ply in the Bhutanese roads. How wondeful it could be if we have noiseless cars like Nissian Leaf moving on the roads like Tigers preying for their victims without much noises being created through the cities. We could have sound sleep during the weekends.
The car being run by lithium battery which can give us 160 kilometers of mileage approximately when  fully charged battery,  placed underneath the passenger seat without much worry to ride on by watching the battery meter. If my estimate is not wrong, this eight hours  of fully charged battery of "Nissian Leaf" will reach us from Thimphu to Phuntsholing without wasting another 30 minutes on the way for recharging with some snacks and tea with chat. The Bhutanese people can really save our money for refuelling the cars in fuel depots if it is succssful to roll out if the market accpets well. The threats may be felt by other car dealers too.
We all know that the "Nissan Leaf" is meant for the premium market segment, sgignifying that only few rich people can afford to buy this soundless car with many options to use. Therefore, I am just wandering, will "Nissan Leaf" really succeed in Bhutanese market where the customers are not that affluent to drive that luxury cars based on their disposible incomes. What pricing strategy will Nissan Leaf implement for Bhutanese common buyers?  Is Nissan Leaf aiming  to replace the old government pool vehicles  and city buses only?
The market segment of cabby drivers  are left out. Since these  cabby drivers are not that rich customers who can afford to buy that premium cars for taxi services in Bhutan. Nontheless, the market segment of low rank civil servants too is left out. Mostly, this low ranking civil servants own the private cars for their family duties in Bhutnaese market. Did Nissan Leaf CEO and marketing team really studied the market compositions of Bhutan before they launch their premium car which might back fire if wrongly predicted?
Who will finnace the buyers of the "Nissan leaf" Cars since vehicles loans are freezed already by the government? The economic situation in Bhutan is not that smiling but always with cloudy mood. The constant problem of Rupee crunch and trade deficits are killing our happiness and wellness. Life is getting harder day by day to earn the basic needs for survival. How can we think of driving such premimum cars like "Nissan Leaf" when our pockets are thin and squeezed?
This is just a food for  thought for the Bhutanese would be buyers and "Nissan Leaf" marketing team to brainstorm before we step in the dark room. It might hurt us later on if not well planned.
Written by:   Mindu Wangdi

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Stars

                                          The Stars

After three hours of Soft Skills Development class  with many activities with stressful mind from this mundane world and endless circles to complete before I leave forever. Passing the trails back to my room was rejoicing experiences with some conversation that we four friends of V.M Mansion always spat on each other based on our critical judgement. To whom should I shall converse with while I was cooking  my dinner for this lonely evening hours inside my room. Deeply silent and dark out side where I cannot even hear the dogs barking either nor the cricking sounds of insects to listen.

There are  no friends around me either but far away in the dark sky I can  see beautiful stars  twinkling  at me with their great lights being on. That was wonderful scene ever I saw before being piled up with loads of assignments and worries in my mind of the future. Cutting the vegetables on the chopping board and peeling the potatoes for the curry that I am wishing to prepare for my grumbling stomach. Oh! Thinking of home makes me feel deeply saddened since I am missing the ready made meals from my beloved wife. No one is there to shower me with love and care but struggles and burden continue to pile on and on. The more I drive inside the real life journey oneself is defeating and mentally stressful to cope up. There is the feeling of total emptiness and uselessness in my life having to struggle for that may repay me little in later days.

In times of hard and pain, you Mr. Stars have understood my sadness and boredom inside my mind while I pursue this useless goals of learning to become better person which may not happen at all. No one can understand my pain and sickness, rather they mock at me when I express. You heavenly stars, with lovely smile and gentle twinkles on your face did shower me with feeling of happiness and befriended. I know you share your consolations and love  that even my families don't do in real life. Who bothers whether I am alive or dead? For they have their own agendas pressing them and bogged down completely. The feeling of rejection from the society, family and friends are deeper and heavier. It is the truth, the forces of past karma is unavoidable and have to be repaid. The blame goes to myself for wrong doing in the past life and undergoing now those repayment processes. Be happy with what you have and what you do Mr. Mindu! That is more than anything as a gift is my self consolatory note.

Mr. Stars, I am happy for your kind smiles and taking away my pains and sufferings acting as the messenger of Buddhas in the ten directions. Though I may not understand what you mean to say exactly, but you belong to the heavenly bodies of gods and goddess. I envy your life above and far away without much agendas like mine. If you are powerful and kind in nature, take me away from this hellish life on the back of you. Dreaming to live life in peaceful and calm atmosphere but there is no way to get on this earth. Bring me the good blessings  of the Buddhas and deities to empower me with their qualities. The moment I see you, my mind can travel and touch you softly but this  ugly body is still left behind with loathe and wants. When shall I fly away freely twinkling in the vast sky without worries and duties? Will I really do that? Will you really help me?

There is nothing more powerful than Nature to console our tortured mind due to mundane activities. You stars are great and lovely families being united forever but I am not. I am separated for many months and still to go ahead before I join them like you in the rejoicing mood. Will that rejoice come to me? Since our life is uncertain and death is certain!. Can any one forecast my schedule for death so that I can prepare well and no more shocks to pound me! Anyway, my dream to join my family back in Bhutan soon like you Mr. Stars having family in vast empty spaces blissfully.  May your happiness be shared with me and take away my worldly burdens and worries. Give me your power and blessings so that I can also join your family one day in the realms of heavenly abodes and do convey my inner messages, to my family and  country people to enjoy the short life, since schedules are different. We may not meet either.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Evening Wind

The Evening Wind

Having sat on the wall outside the mansion for the evening hours of rest watching the sun traveling back home and the blue sky being clouded and pale for the night hours.  I know what I am waiting for is you Mr. Wind to blow gently kissing my five sense organs to cool down from the daily chores of mundane life. The music of Soe-Kha So Kha being played on my Lenovo budget mobile that helps to console my mind and heart from this sad mood and suffering to enliven to the height forgetfulness. Watching the leaves fall down and trees dancing according to the forces of westerly wind that blows with low speed to take away my pain and sufferings with her to the no man's land to shake off.

My mind flies away with the power of wind to reach my dream land and village to meet my beloved ones left behind so long. Oh! Once more, my physical body is left on the wall like death body being rested on the bed, but my mind is riding on the back of the winds  to my sweet homeland  that I am missing badly now to see them how they fare with their fleeting life. The kids around me hover to listen to my music and dances according to the rhythm of songs. The mothers are happily watching their kids dances along with my music  wherein Mr.Wind helps us to cool our mind from the extreme heat of the day. The life in broad daylight is like sitting nearby over heated oven where my fans are moving round the clock to help me cool down somehow.

Oh! Mr. wind what messages did you bring for me from the distant land of Thunder Dragon that will make me happy and cheerful. Once again, there is a failure of dialogue between you and me. I just can feel you touch me with breezes and kisses on the body softly. Nothing more than that, I cannot understand what messages that you conveyed me? Shall I hire an "Google translator" to translate your language into English. one day to solve our communication failure. How lovely and wonderful sitting with your cooling blow and power of healing in my mind on top of a narrow wall. The touches of you makes my numbed  senses come to life  with freshness. I am grateful for your kind visit in the evening hours to take away my messages back to my beloved ones in my Country. Hope you will not forget my messages to convince them through your power of healing and bring back the true and memorable messages from different lands that you come across while travelling. It would be nice if, I have life like you traveling restlessly through, oceans, mountains, forests, rivers, villages, houses, sky and land. 

How pathetic I am, being struck with my body and lost all the freedom of life. The burden of social responsibility and stigma in any actions that I take. The eye brows of the other guys will rise if anything I do out of the box. But I envy you, for you can kiss and hug any type of beautiful ladies without their consent throughout the universe.! How lucky you are indeed. That is not possible in the case of my life. I am already in the hook and chained by the society to act freely like you do. You have the power of making me still alive. I request for your blessings and power to become like you one day kissing through universal beauties and godly damsels.

I am feeling happy and glad for your power to heal away my sorrows in life. Please take away all of my sufferings and give me your happiness, wealth, success and prosperity Mr. wind. May the God of wind be always at gentle and soft one. The wrath of you will destroy all the trees, buildings and crops and airplanes. You will become wrathful in the summer monsoons here in Bangkok rooting the trees and boats being capsized. My prayer to you Mr. Wind God, do shower all the wealth and happiness to the sentient beings and never harm them with your wrathful storms. May you remain always at peace kissing the damsels without permissions being granted which I cannot.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The life and Music.

 The life and Music.

Our life is full of musics and fun around us to enjoy for the brief stay on this earth being born as human being with lots of facilities and gifts. How boring, monotonous and dull would our life be if we have no musics with melodious  and sweet voices to listen. Listening to the latest modern song with Soe-Kha  So-Kha by Minzung Lham and her friend removes  my pain, agony, homesick, tired of studies, assignments, chats, sickness, loneliness and recitations in this semi-retreat house.

The melodious and sweet voice of Minzung Lham heals  my worldly sufferings and struggles, that I undergo due to my past karmic forces.  My  agendas in this life is blown away to a distant land, as soon as I hear music and rejoice with her godly gifted voice with wonderful music combinations. Who on this earth does not like musics, would live life under pressure and pain of overworked and burdened. The human mind is never kept at rest for twenty four hours with many activities. It is always busy for some reasons to be engaged. The usage of human brain function is reaching at the highest level that our mind can manage it and might go mad.

Therefore, the musics are available every where in the Nature, Birds, Insects and Studios  for us to enjoy and rest our mind from the activities of daily chores. To keep our mind at rest for few minutes is very important for any person to live happy and contented life. We should be able to learn to appreciate and have fun with musics that really heals our mind and heart from mundane works for few hours with complete freedom and relaxation. The immediate influence of  music is on our mind that we cannot see, touch and define it with our human judgement of critical thinking.

That truth of our mind that we always let "Go Away." Sometimes, I find my body inside the class, pretending to  be listening  to the Professor's lecture but my mind already arrived and landed  in Paro Airport and heading towards Thimphu! He (the Mind) used to roam mostly  with my land of dream, the only "Australia!." The dream that I may not fulfill in my life to visit once.  Most of the guys may not have noticed this since it is very subtle and complicated subject to understand it. That is truth of human mind and its functions if we have no control over our mind. It will control you by making  servant to it. How long will you remain as the servant to our mind?  If you wish to continue, there is no to end to suffering and pain. Explore any solutions to this mind activities that can be controlled and make you feel happy forever.

The life and music goes together always. However we may deeply sing a melodious and heart touching songs like Soe-Kha So-Kha for no departure between our relationship of girlfriend and boy friend, husband and wife to last forever. I also dream in that way to work in my life with my partner but the truth of impermanence in existence will never leave us stay forever in this beautiful world. It is the matter of few years together as best partners sharing moments of Happiness, Pains and Sorrows and Downfalls. The schedule of "Death" is never drawn  in our diary like birth day celebrations. It might knock the door at any time and take away our life forces with him leaving behind pain and sorrow to your partner, children, friends, relatives and neighbors for few days. And the memories of your lost will be like the foot prints on sand banks in the oceans being washed away into nothingness. In this way, our life story of living together may get closed and end abruptly without much legacies to carry on.

The new journey of after death is terrible my darling; you have no friends, kids and families to accompany with. You need to travel alone and solitary  journey passing through different stages of Bardo (intermediate state) created by your own karmic forces. It could be the most dreadful journey in another world that I may not come and rescue you but only your Master and the Buddha Dharma can help you. Trust your master and trust yourself; I am just your temporary friend who will live for few years before I discard my body into ashes when the lord of death rings his alarm clock for me. Don't take life so seriously and discipline it to be perfect one. There is no such perfect place on this hellish realms. The imperfect and confusions rules the world. the chaos and mass will gather for destruction of good forces.

It is my pleasure to all the lovers of music in this world to enjoy the life at present moment with your best and wonderful partners that you have. And never make a  prayer to stay forever with her. It may not work, since our schedule is different. Be prepared for any type of "shocks" that we may face in the future and all the happiness, peace and harmonious state of our mind will disappear like dream world  and never to be seen again.

If we accept the truth, we will be always happy and contented in life. The happiness that I get from music is temporary and fleeting. It applies to our life with relationship.  It provides few days of momentary happiness and might fly away without any notifications and leaving us in deeply saddened mood. I would to dedicate my prayers to all music lovers and romantics for their best moments in life on this earth.

Written by:   Mindu Wangdi

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Bees

 The Bees

For the last nine  months stay in V.M Mansion, my immediate visitors were like Ghosts in the night hours disturbing my sound sleep, ants, lizards, sparrows and mosquitoes for their foods.  Recently  I am joined by another new friend known as the nectar collector "Bees" in groups in the early morning at 6 AM when I start my Solekha prayer after brief face wash and dress ups (offering to the protecting deities) as my daily activity.  Oh! There is lot of questions hovering in my mind in the search of reasons of their frequent visits. Sometimes, I feel threat of stinging by the swarm of bees passing through my kitchen and trying to chase away with my available means of protections by closing the doors for a while before they departed to their homes.

The immediate question in my mind crops up of their visit must be the works of the devil to disturb my meditation practices. It is believed that, the devils attack us in any forms of animals to disturb our good path and plans. Anyway, there is no answer to my questions since I cannot understand what is their vision and mission to visit me time to time in swarm. It is really a mystery for me. It would be nice if the readers can shed some lights on this mysterious events with me with your  wisdom and experiences with the life of animals.

The communication with animals is impossible with me since I am not an omniscient to under their minds and thoughts. How pathetic I am indeed. We human beings consider our-selves far better in thinking process than these tiny animals. But I am not all. I cannot understand my own-Self True Nature. How can I expect to understand  their language  and Mind. I am still confused, with my Self-Innate Truth in this world after learning for 18 years of academic sessions starting from Pre-Primary School to Master Degree level here in Bangkok. The mystery is still not solved and hunting for the black-box to be recovered from the deep oceans one day.

My possible wild imaginative answer could be the arrows of cupid being shot from the far distances and the forces of Karmic wind to play the game of love again in the foreign land. And thinking of sign of good luck and best opportunities might be the lingering for me from nowhere in life. The rains of blessings and blissful showers might arrive on my mind one day are the wild expecting answers that I could vomit out. Our elders  used to say that when bees visit you; it is the message of love and affection will follow us or someone is loving you deeply in silence even if there is no scope for staying together in this life. After all, I am also trying to have poetic imaginations when I have plenty of time that helps me to live life full at present moment. And also preparing some agendas in the distant future too.

Moreover, the best lesson that bees taught me in my life is lost of track in this busy world. Entering my room suddenly from nowhere, they are trapped in this room hovering with buzzing sounds for an hours, even if  the doors are open for them to leave away. They never find the doors to fly away but dies inside my room after few hours of movements. This is how we human beings and animals completes the vicious circle of hellish realms being not able to find the right door to exit to the Paradise for many eons. Dear bees, you came to teach me the right lesson of lost door by sentient beings from the inner truth.  I am still lost in this hellish realm, like you lost door in my room, with little thinking process with my modern educations and gadgets for supporting me to fix it. Even the "Google search engines" could not tell me the exact door for me to exit from this hellish realms which we modern and educated human beings trust most for its information in any subjects they require to refer it.

I would like to sincerely dedicate my lay man's prayer for your wandering minds in the hellish realms to gain the ultimate truth by taking rebirth to the Precious life of Human beings and meeting with great master to guide you from the lost track in this Samsara. Hoping to meet you soon in the future as a master and student who will search for the right path to walk on and continue our journey for many generations together to benefit all sentient beings.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

The sun set

The Sun Set 

In this world, every beginning is followed by its end.This is the fact we all cannot challenge with our scientific advancements. How beautiful it is to see the morning sun rising from the sky dispelling the darkness of this world with its light and power. Without your power and light, all sentient beings and ecosystems would have collapsed completely from this earth. You are one who provides us the heat, light, energy, happiness, joy and life on this earth. What a wonderful activity that you are  doing  to the sentient beings. Without you, there won't be any scientific findings, and achievements on this earth.

Happily rising from the east brightening the world with light and setting in the west with heavy heart by the evening hours. Watching you moving slowing towards the west brings  cloudy mood and sorrows for another twelve hours in the darkness with street lights glowing outside. The power of the street lights could match your giant fireball blazing that dispels the universal darkness for twelve hours in the same place. I felt as if that, you are sunk under the vast oceans like airplane being crashed never to be seen again. The moment you started leaving me behind, the stream of sadness and pains settles at my heart. The feeling of loneliness, home sick, and fed up with the mundane chores that has no end to it. It is flowing like ripples on the oceans one after another. The power of the darkness is the power of evils activities by the evil forces to the humanity.

Oh! You, (the Sun) taught me a great lesson in my life. How powerful you may be on this earth. The fact is that it is not made for permanent stay. Even you with this might of light has to work according to the karmic forces by rising in the morning and setting in the evening with pale and powerless look by kissing an ocean. The solar eclipse is one form of the danger that you always faced annually which makes you completely powerless and shadowed for an hours. We firmly belief that, the lay people will pray for your health and speedy recovery  with the beatings of drums and empty tins from the attack of solar eclipse known as Dza (the dark object moving in space with harmful rays)  in Tibetan wisdom.

I as a child used, to join the herd for shouting at the top my voice without knowing much background and culture with my parents back in the village. The danger posed by this solar eclipse on you indicates that even you have an enemy to bring you down annually.  Who is free from this word so called "enemy" who wants to destroy us. No one is free at all. There is plenty of competitors and enemies to destroy the good forces that we have by the evil forces. Therefore, the good and evil live together. They are never separated either an inch from the entity.

The truth that you taught me is the fact of agendas. The human beings are also packed with agendas to fulfill before we sleep permanently. We are bogged down by the mundane works and no time to enjoy the beauty of Nature. Our business dreams and objectives in life keeps us  busy and drives us to the crazy point of life. The datelines will push us to work round the clock forgetting even our parents and family behind. We are squeezing our energy for the making money by forgetting our health and peace of mind. What we all long for is the peace and harmony. In process of finding peace, we destroy moving in the wrong directions. However, you provided the energy for us to stay alive, by completing the ecosystem. My sincere gratitude is always with you for dispelling me with the darkness and teaching me the lessons of impermanence to carry with me.

The important agenda that you have is to provide light to the other side the of universe for another twelve hours. Due to this agenda, you have time to rise and set according to the forces of karmic wind. How long will I see you rise and set before I say good bye to this world? And how long will you even dispel the world with your mighty sunshine? For we know that, nothing is permanent on this earth. That is the fact we all should embraced with no options.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Ants of V.M Mansion

The Ants of V.M Mansion

Oh! Dear ants visiting my room and kitchen is your daily chore climbing through the walls as the smallest  insects of Thailand, "The Land of Smile."  Who brought us together in this foreign land to live together sharing our love and care even though I cannot understand what you think and feel towards me. We are strangers here but somehow we became friends and living together in perfect co-existence.

Seeing your physical form drives  me to think of the Preta (Yidak inTibetan jargon) being born in the hellish realms who undergoes pains and sufferings for not giving alms to the saints and Yogis. One who really lived the life of a greedy person who could not sacrifice anything to the Triple Gem.  I am just wandering, why you are born as an ants to befriend me in this "land of smile" for brief stay together and vanish away suddenly when the death knocks your door. The main reason for you are kind visit to my room must be hunting for some foods and left over items that you want to carry home back on your head. Such a tiny insects you are but surprising to see that you can carry food bigger than your body. That is wonderful gift you possess indeed as an ants. Even you as a tiny insect have to struggle for the survival according to your level of sufferings.  The living has to be made and life forces has spin on until your breath stops. We are same indeed in all aspects of life. Your need and my need is quite different and you have less desires to gather wealth and property that I am doing today. I have heavy desires and thirst for wealth and power but you seems to be fine with what you have currently. How happy you are and how distressful I am on this earth with full of agendas!

I am learning from you indeed to live happy and contented life with little stuff that you can gather for the day. You taught me the best lessons which I usually don't get from my academic subjects at master degree level. My subjects taught me how to increase my desire and kill my enemies with a hired knife to become millionaires by swimming in the "red oceans" and "blue oceans". The common feeling we have is fear. You even fear of death and hit by some objects. How fragile you are life is! Just a drop fall of water will sink you  in and snatch away your life force. Forgive me if I have hurt you due to my ignorance and cruelty during our stay in a failed dialogue process. What you must be thinking is subtle and beyond my comprehension. I know you have the same feeling what I have too. You must be suffering and undergoing different torture and hellish life based on your past karmic forces. 

The enemy that you have is Mr. Lizard. Many of your are friends are already eaten by this deadly eater when you visit my room in the search of foods. Because, Mr. Lizard is also my neighbor and friend.We also share the same room for our living.  What Mr. Lizard like is your flesh the most as his meal. Oh! what a chain of eaters and killers for their survival on this earth. We the humans eat the flesh of animals for our survival and making profit by selling it. Mr. Lizard has to make his living and life forces should run until the death knocks the door for the separation of body and mind. I hope he is not trading the flesh of an ants for making dollars that we humans does for our greed. That is just my wild expectation, and I know only few activities of my friend Mr. Lizard catching the ants where I try to chase him away by pouring water on him to save the ants. This is another form of life on the earth as a Lizard. The karmic force (cause and effect) of ones deeds creates oneself but not by the God or Almighty. It proves true when I see we three( An Ants, a Lizard and Mr. Mindu Wangdi)  are in different forms but have similar characters in our mind like fear, hunger, thirst, arousal jealousy, anger and wrath. We are ruled by that forces completely. 

These days, I cannot see Mr. lizard any more in my room moving freely. The lord of death has taken his life force and must be wandering in the Bardo (intermediate state) to find another form of life soon. But I can see the ants roaming plenty enjoying the sugar that I provide for them as a meal on the walls being added with water. The liquid form is better for their neck is so small to swallow the solid sugar even though they can carry easily to their homes. How long we will stay together in this best friendship and love here in V.M Mansion? When the death will knock my door to say good bye "guys". Such is our life and brief stage show on this earth. Let us pray to meet in the Pure land of Buddhas with the help of Dharma and its power. It was really nice to have friendship you guys. Enjoy the life.

written by: Mindu Wangdi

The Goat and Dog

The Goat and Dog

Having landed on the soil of Thailand to pursue my master degree course majoring in Leadership & Human Resources Management under Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) scholarship and living under the roof of V.M Mansion with effect from May 2013. It was another journey in my life I was traveling through in the foreign land. Rushing through the O.P Tower and passing two different Chinese Temples to reach the College of Management Mahidol University daily is my responsibility as a student under the scorching sun and heavy downpour sometimes. However, the scientific achievement  may happen but we  have no control over the weather and it acts according to its whims and fancies. The only friend I have is small umbrella for serving both the purposes of heat and downpour.

Moving through a small and busy street on the way to College of Management Mahidol University, being accompanied by V.M Mansion's three dogs till O.P.Tower as the sign of see off to me. These three animals became my best friends to loiter around with me during evenings and free hours. They would follow me to see off till the road point when I used to go for shopping and they would return home with happy mood. I could hear their barking sounds in the midnight. Such was the co-existence we shared between before one of my friends passed away recently.

One fine morning, I was just looking from my balcony to the parking area as usual. The security guard of our Mansion was trying to hook out something underneath the car. Waiting eagerly to see what is that object he is hooking out. To my surprise, it was my friend's dead body he fished out from below the car. How sad it was to see that one of my friends left me forever. He was never to be seen  again thereafter being buried under the soil by our security guard. The other two friends are still hanging with me. I cannot sense any sad mood in them because I cannot read their minds. Absolutely, they must be feeling the pain at heart for losing our friend recently.

I know you taught me, the lesson of impermanence and how fragile is our life on this earth. The lord of Death will never spare us. There is no such schedule for the death like we have date of birth that we cling too much to celebrate on. The line between death and alive is so thin and narrow. It is just a matter of continuous breath. If our breath is stopped due to any circumstances, we are dead and gone. Nothing follows us, since we have surrendered our body to its owner, air, wind, soil and water.  After few hours, it will decay into soil. We the human beings, do care and love our body by spending thousands of dollar which is finally supposed to be decaying when our breath is stopped leaving no values at all. If it is so, should we human beings cling too much and beautify our body with lots of painting and denting with much struggles. Should we human beings learn lesson to live simple and contented life without amassing wealth and property with economic activity and business  growth by destroying the nature. If we have no right to take a hair with us when we die; what is the whole purpose of toiling lifelong amassing wealth.

Another friend that I had was, a small goat on the way to college, which I used to meet him daily. Being fed with, good grass and leaves always by the owner to grow fatter.  But suddenly, my friend is now no where to be seen there. What could have happened to his life.?  I know, my friend must have been killed for the meat by the owner. How uncertain and fragile your life was on this earth. Just living for few months with us, slaughtered away brutally. There is pain in my heart when I pass through your place since I remember you clearly. My eyes always search for your return one day. I knew it was just, another day dream that we could meet again in this life.  You have left me in sad and alone.

You again taught me how our life is impermanent in the hands of butcher surrounding you for the meals. My prayer is always with you friends to meet in the Blissful land of Zangdopelri enjoying nectar from Dakinis bowl one day. I wish you both the peaceful journey in the Bardo (intermediate state) and take away my obstacles with you and leave blessings and good wishes for me. My prayer is always with you guys.

  Written by: Mindu Wangdi

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Self-Discovery and Reflections of My College Days at Sherubtse, Kanglung (2002-2004)

 Self- Discovery and Reflections of My College Days at Sherubtse, Kanglung (2002-2004)
The fear of my common exams and would be results still hovered  around me during my vacations. Thinking of result really killed the piece of happiness that I was enjoying during the break. It finally came out with  flying colorful. That was another achievement that I rejoiced for the quest of knowledge and wisdom to become a better and learned person. 

The transition of my life was getting wider and unmanageable for my duties were heavier.  There is no end to learning and for we all know that wisdom is as vast as sky. My dream was to major in Geography Honors at Sherubtse College but sadly I could not qualify with just one percentage point. The cut off point was 60% to be qualified and I secured only 59%. The options I was left with were Economics and English Honors only. It was sure, if I opt for economics, I would struggle with mathematics and statistics at Sherubtse that I don't want to happen. Our life has plenty of choices but very tough to choose the right subject was unimaginable and stressful. Therefore, I left it for my karmic wind to decide where I should fly to get good result and achievements. 

Finally I landed up with English Honors as my major in college that lasted for three years. Truly and frankly speaking, my English was never good in those high school days. I used to score, just above fifty percentage only. The magic happened in life, with my English mark that I scored at Drugyel Higher Secondary School was 78% which I never expected in my dream. It was really unbelievable and beyond my thought. My gratitude purely goes to  our best and brilliant English teacher Mr. K.C Jose hailing from India. He was the one who made me what I am today. My best wishes and sincere prayer goes to Mr. K.C Jose for shifting my life to the world of literature that I never dreamed to join. That was the force of my karmic wind showing the correct path to tread on.

The major events that I could recollect at Sherubtse college were playing carom board at upper market with friends when we get free time. Watching some beautiful college girls moving up and down for dating were the most favorite activity. Most of the time I would be with my friend Kibu Zangpo, who is working as an Election Officer in Bhutan doing meditations and recitations of my Ngondro (preliminary practices) at his house situated just five minute walk away from college. We used to go out and help the farmers to collect their paddy and crops during free time. My passion for drinking habit was high along with watching Hindi  movies in those college days as energetic man.

By the evening hours, I used to walk towards, the "kissing point" for fresh air breathing and watching the Ronthung village evening scene with many cars passing by. It was fun and wonderful that many of my friends would come out for dating with their girlfriends to this "kissing point" but I never had any girlfriend at Sherubtse. It was another failure part of my love story that readers may rejoice and feel emphatic to me. Our life is mixture of success and failure stories that makes complete and enjoyable when recollected. I really did not remember, whether I approached any girls for partnership? My memories are dead and gone. May be my friends could recollect my incidents and comment on it. That was how my first year at Sherubtse college ended without much memories to carry with me.

I was struggling to complete my Ngondro practices in the hostel with prostrations of 100,000 counts that I received from Kadam Rinpoche, Mongar during my vacation. That was another major transition happened to my life. I was walking in the right direction, being guided by the forces of Karmic wind, to make my life precious and priceless. At the same time, I was trying to kill two birds with one stone. It was my studies and  Dharma practice. The unshakable faith and trust in Dharma pushed me further however it was difficult to cope with. I did not leave any pages un-flipped in the quest of Knowledge, wisdom and Dharma to understand myself.

 My country men, Tsheten Chophel, majoring in B.Com Honors was crying and walking in the heavy downpour one night. I really did not understand what went wrong with him in those days. May be the rejection of love and family problem were his reasons for sobbing deeply. It was beyond my control and help. I felt his pain and agony at my delicate heart but left without any solutions. The fact of our life is, that an individual pains and suffering differ at every level depending on situations and person that we are. Even the twins will have different taste of sufferings.

The most memorable event that shaped my life was the meeting with my would be wife in Sherubtse college. Mr. Tshering Tenzin, who majored in B.Com Honors was another influencing friend in the sphere of love and Dharma. We were indeed, religious brother, since we received same teachings from Kadam Rinpoche, Lama Karma Wangdi. The forces of karmic wind stopped blowing with me for three years in field of love. I was alone doing my studies and Dharma practices like chanting mantras of healing power. Just loitering around the clock tower feeling shy and blush with Mr. Tshering Tenzin. We saw one of the college Librarian girls passing by us through the basket ball court. We really don't have much contact before or conversation as such.

To my surprise, Mr. Tshering Tenzin who is working as an Audit in Bumthang District suggested me to tease that girl with proposals for love affairs which I consented if my luck and cupid's arrow would favor me.  We knew that she was very devoted lady in Threlma Practice (Dakini Offering Practice). We assumed that we were perfect in Threlma Practice and if she is interested to learn from us which we were not indeed. The magic worked really and our plan was responded with positive smile and acceptance from her to teach her in the evening hours.

 Her good name was Ms. Pema Deki, working as Assistant Librarian hailing from Khandrophug, Serthig gewog under Samdrup Jonkhar, looking innocent and highly devoted to Buddha Dharma which I liked the most.  We really blackmailed the Buddha Dharma for love and relationship that worked well; thinking in positive manner, Dharma is to serve the sentient beings in different situations. That was true in the case of me. It helped me to find my future wife who will share her happiness, pain, sadness, and energy to succeed as married couple hereafter. My gratitude goes to Dakini Threlma Nagmo for providing me the correct and truly devoted wife that I was longing for to live with in this dream like life. Moreover, my sincere thanks goes to Mr. Tshering Tenzin for his brilliant ideas in the field of love and Dharma. May your dreams come true and wishes be fulfilled by the blessing of Triple Gem.

Having celebrated brief moments of our marriage party with friends were really memorable in life. During that party, Mr. Kibu Zangpo was the head cook who is really expert in cooking meals. I am very grateful, for his time and energy spared.  The party was being blessed by my good friends and Mr. Sonam Tshering (College Bus driver) and his wife Mrs. Tandin Wangmo with their wishes of Tashi Khadar for the couples. It was their prayers and wishes helped to pass through many difficulties in the field of married life  that I encountered as of now. Having added another burden in life as a married man on top of studies and Dharma works. Life has to move on and living has to made in any way. The days in the college came to an end when  I finally appeared final exams in third year in December 2004. The happiest moment to remember was the first birth of my eldest daughter, Bumpa Lhamo at Tashigang hospital in 2005. That was the first gift of my married life with beloved wife Pema Deki and another duty added up for us to bring up.

During the delivery, it was Anna Seldon (adopted sister to Mr. Sonam Tshering, driver) and her husband based in Tashigang who helped us with her foo stuff and other supports. Life without job was really tough and worrisome. Waiting for the results and hoping to join the civil service that I am destined to was my  unshakable dream. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Anna Seldon showing her activity of Bodhisattva act. Your help and sacrifice was wonderful and cherishing in my life in times of hard. 

The life at Sheruntse college with family came to an end when I started my another journey towards Thimphu in the search of job in civil service sector by July 2005 leaving behind my wife and daughter with heavy heart.

written by: Mindu Wangdi

Self- Discovery and Reflections of my Higher Secondary School Days (2000-2001)

Drukgyel Higher Secondary School
Self- Discovery and Reflections of My Higher Secondary School Days (2000-2001)

The results for the common exam in the 10th grade that I appeared in Jakar High School came out quite good and  I was qualified  to pursue higher studies with different options to choose like subject to major in and schools for placement as we desired. Therefore, I chose to go to Drukgyel Higher Secondary School to major in Arts subject or Humanity background. The reason for choosing my Arts subject was purely based on my weakness in mathematics that I narrated in Jakar High school days. Having admitted to this new school begins my another self-discovery journey in the light of search for knowledge to become a good person in life.  

Joining the school and meeting different faces not knowing who he/she was? From where did they come  made me confused and nervous  to communicate each other freely. The place is completely different from Jakar  High school and had to built  up courage to adapt to new situations. It was like the business trip to a unknown place where we land up in heavy loss. This school is located twenty minutes drive from Paro town by a car. The location is very calm and quite for us to study. There were no traffic disturbances except few vehicles  like school bus and our teacher's cars used to ply through the gate. The area seems quite wide and spacious for us to roam around during free time through jungles, below the school campus under the pine trees with sweet songs of birds.

The major events that I could recollect from Drugyel Higher Secondary School were getting up early in the morning for joking  towards the old ruined Drughyel Dzong led by house captain. I, was in the yellow house and the actor Mr. Chencho Dorji and Ms. Rinzin Lham were my house captain. Mr. Chencho Dorji used to sing songs in the toilet with friends during weekends and act in the stage drama show that somehow  predicted  that he would become one day an actor. His zeal and enthusiast for drama and singing paved his way for future that what he is now. He was a jolly guy with his humor and laugh. Indeed he was my classmate.

The most dreadful person that I ever met in Drugyel was our warden Asha Marp. To him, we surrender our might or naughtiness. He was the man who slapped me once on the right hand side of my face for I failed to join the joking early morning. I still feel his bang and damage he left in my ear drum today. I am thankful for his contribution in my ear's for I have not done any severe crime.  The most memorable event we used to have in this school was the "Mela" festival  of  Indian Army wing based in Drukgyel. There we used to get many items to eat and buy for home use. The musics will be blown off to the audiences and many different types of games to engaged in for fun.

Moreover, we used to have inter-house debate competitions  in the Multipurpose hall in different topics. I was also one of the participants and we won the debate finally with some prizes for the house. I had a good opportunity to visit at Paro Taktshang monastry along with my friends that gained some merits along with. The visit to Gelong Mapelmo Nye (Holy place of Nun Mapelmo) located just few minutes walk from the school were memorable one.  Once I was sent to attend the quizzes in the Bhutan Broad Casting Service on the live telecast show related to Tiger conservation in Asia. It was the first time in my life I faced the camera directly and wonderful make up by girls. It left me lot of lessons and experiences with some financial gains after the programs.

To make more interesting in my self-discovery & reflections at Drugyel, I was in strong crush with one lady in the school girl known as Rinzin and she really did not response me positively. The game of failed love that I played was in Drukgyel Higher Secondary School. She was really beautiful in my eyes. Dreaming to be with her was my wish. But the karmic wind or cupid's arrow did not response well. With heavy heart and failed love, my schooling days comes to an end with another common exam. The life is full of exams and gates to cross.

Should I appear common exams after my death in the heaven and hell too?  That is terrible and miserable if I have to do that? what could be the question samples?.  I was bogged down with common exams in every stages of life. Our life is full of sorrows and pains to carry on with us. I, am thankful to Ms. Rinzin for rejecting my proposal since I learned the meaning of failure in love and relationship from you. You taught me the bitter taste of love that I never experienced before as a youth.

Having done our exams, I  said "Bye" to all of my mates and may you all live happy and long life was my silent prayer. With tears in my eyes, departed to our own homes for another vacation and wait for the results to be declared to continue my journey in the field of education.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

Self-Discovery and Reflections of my High School Days (1997-1998)

Self- Discovery and Reflections of My High School Days (1997-1998)

Jakar Dzong/ Fortress 
Browsing and combing through the Kuensel paper in the search of my index number for common exam result declared for eight grade and expected placement to fresh school which I appeared at Tshenkhar Junior High School before few months ago.  The only available magazine in Bhutan for wider distribution to the readers during my time. I don't remember any other magazines were there during that era.  The Bhutan Board of Examination usually declares our result in this paper with long lists. The index number was our only password to extract the marks from that thousands of students appeared for board examinations. Luckily I got pass through the common exam and I was placed to Jakar High School in Bumthang for the new journey of my academic life. Having prepared for the new journey towards Jakar High School with some stuffs required for boarding life. Travelling nearly five hours by bus  service from Mongar; I arrived finally to this new school or secondary home that I would live for two years in the journey of my life and in the search of knowledge that would make me better person one day.

Bumthang is famous for its harsh winter, freezing cold, and temperate summer. The main cash crops the farmers grow in Bumthang were apples and potatoes. The bee-keeping business was also flourishing during my brief stay as a student. Jakar High School is located few minutes of drive away by a car from Chamkhar town. The major events that I could recollect were like attending the Wang or blessings at Kharchu Dratshang of Namkhai Ningpo Rinpoche with my friends annually. The famous Tamshing Phak Lha Chotpa and Kurjay Drubchen of Kagong Phur Sum festivals. I even attended the Petsheling Gonpa Drupchen with some pack lunch provided by the school mess with friends. It was really good and religious tours that I made frequently to different places. The holy place like Tang Mebartsho" The Burning Lake" etc. Without knowing much of the essence and backgrounds. Everything went on smoothly with full support of my brother Tandin Wangdi in terms of finance and budgeting. My gratitude goes to him for educating me and providing me what I need in life.

The major event at Jakar that I could carry with me were my girl friends namely Ngawang and Lemo who again shared their valuable time and life with me for brief period.  Their support and love made me work hard even though I was just a poor performer in the exams. I recollect clearly having dates with them in the lush green meadows behind the school academic blocks. Eating momos (snacks)  in the canteen and sipping hot tea with them were the most memorable memories that I am carrying till now. The pack lunch and fried chili brought by Ngawang was really delicious and added my appetite. My prayers and wishes are always with them for their sacrifice and loving me with gentleness. May you both live happy and long life with your fated husband and prosper in life. We were  made to meet for brief moment to play the game of love and sign out when the karmic wind's power is over and out. The karmic wind changes the course of our love and game. nothing remains as we wished forever. That is how our relationship came to an end abruptly for silly reasons that I could not fleshed out here.

My best friends were Mr. Tempa Dorji and Mr. Sonam Dendup who is now working as a teacher in Bhutan. Mr. Sonam Dendup hailing from Tashigang Bartsham who really cared me when I was admitted to Wangdicholing Hospital for malaria diagnosis. He spared his classes to look after me in the hospital. It was hard time for me since I did not have any relatives in the strange land of Bumthang. Everyone is stranger to me though I am a Bhutanese. During the weekends, most of the friends used to visit Chamkhar town for shopping like pickles to add our appetite and pen for writing. We would wander in the town doing some window shopping since our pocket were thin and light. 

The pine forests in Bumthang at Lamai Gonpa used to be my best place for study in the shed and bonfire. Sonam Dendup would accompany me and we would be brushing through our mathematical problems. Mathematics was one of the boring and hatred subjects in my life.  I enjoyed learning Economics and Biology. The food that we used to get were not really enough for our grumbling stomach but left without  options to demand further. Visiting an apple gardens were one of our favorite occurrences to keep our mouths moving during free time and it would help us to compensate the hunger. 

Every beginning has its ending; in the same way, my schooling life in Jakar High School comes to an end by appearing the common exam for the tenth grade.The memories are faint and lost by now and gone into the air. It would be nice if the readers who passed out from Jakar High school in my batch could add on the events so that I can improve further as our own legacy on this earth. Having done the common exams in harsh winter; every one started to move towards their respective home places with happy and smiling faces. It  made me to feel  that we meet in the vegetable market for shopping briefly and depart to their homes with their agendas at hand and never to say "Hi" again. 

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Facebook and Wechat

Facebook and Wechat

The modernization has made our life very easy and comfortable to connect and communicate globally. The world is just a global village for few seconds tab with the dawn of internet and social networks. Indeed, I belonged to the generation "X" citizen (Born in (1979)  but forced to shift to generation "Y" now. Otherwise, I am left out and isolated by the
society. Having the genes of generation "X"; trying to become a new guy is really tough and challenging. Building an adaptability  and flexibility nature sometimes drives you crazy. I, am sure many of the baby boomers and generation "X" friends must doing the same thing to cope up with the jump of generation "Y" where the social networks entangles everyone and being bogged down finally in Techno-savvy world. Nothing remains same forever, change is the permanent process. We all should eat, sleep, live according to the time, space and generation; if not the isolation and frustration will kill us or socially push out permanently leaving alone and people will think that you are just a fool.

The life with Facebook and Wechat is wonderful and memorable one. The Facebook is a social network which provides a best forum for sharing our views and posting of photos that we liked the most. Our status are updated in the Facebook for friend's information. Each and every users wants to show off their present moment of happiness, sadness, successes, failures, anger, jealousy, wrath, ignorance, slumber, teachings, marketing, assignments, partners, initiatives, agendas, programs, writings, views, comments, rejections, blocking, invitations, love, marriages, games, criticism, enmity, arousal, charismatics, groups, donations, advertisements, seminars, meetings, business plan and new products. The list of activities goes on and on with Facebook and its applications. Facebook is the biggest and vast space forum for each of the global users to explore and swim together without knowing the directions where we all we land up finally. 

I am also one of the swimmers along with  my global friends and having fun before I get drawn underneath completely. Our precious time is mostly wasted by visiting the Facebook and chating for an hours for fun. There are some hidden intentions too from both sides that I cannot detect very easily. The agenda of chating is sometimes misleading and confusing even to myself. Am I doing justice to my own consciences? or I am becoming just a victim of Facebook and blowing away all my secrets to be used by the global marketers to hammer on me with their products. Since, every steps, words and photos that we upload are being recorded and analyzed by someone behind for sale as solid  information. Therefore, we the users, must filter out information before we post in any social networks if we want to protect oneself from future complications and lost. The users make someone behind the curtain millionaires easily.

I am grateful to Facebook for connecting me with my family, friends, foes, strangers, lovers round the clock. With you I share my happiness, love, sadness, downfalls, hatred and anger. Living alone in my room during free hours and intervals. I, frequently visit you for chating with my friends and family members in Bhutan. Without you I am alone and sad and disconnected from my friends for may hours. It is believed that the Buddhas of ten directions too are connected with power of their meditation in far distances though they do not have broadband connections linked with Facebook and Wechat for entertainment and teaching purposes. How nice it is to be connected and live in small global village with the modernization of social networks. 

My life has become so easy to exchange and send information to all of my friends which was not possible in those days. The messages were to be sent through messenger that took months to reach Thimphu from our village. No more, those time of hard and struggles are gone and replaced by faster means to send my feelings with wrath, love and missing  to the receiver. As said by Dzongsar Jamyange Khentse Rinpoche in one of his teachings;  I quote "Your rejection from the lover or wife may come instantly in the form of message" I unquote. That is true, most of the time, myself and friends got rejected from their so called girlfriends, boy friends chat friends for silly reasons by blocking access and warning online. The game of love brings pain and suffering to everyone but we all have to play as per the cupid's arrow and karmic wind's directions. Play for  the fun and sign out when it becomes too irritable and back to square one. Life is for fun not for serious quarrel and fighting for silly matters.

The latest social network that I am using is Wechat. I am introduced to this network by generation Y. They are very expert in using this network. In case of me just learning to use it for fun and entertainment. By Joining the group called Trongsap Doro recently was fabulous experience to expedite the Wechat usage. I tried to send  voice message to the group for fun but it became so serious. The group members questioned of my region and identity. The girls asked for the reasons for joining their groups since I am not from Trongsa at all. My reply to the group was just for fun and entertainment purpose, I joined in. There were strong objections and resentment to my membership. The group did not want me to be there either as stranger or outsider. It was meant only for the Trongsap Doros.

 I was just wandering, what is wrong if someone joins in your regional group and share something? They took me as a threat to their forum of Trongsap Doros and I felt it was another instant rejection from the Bhutanese people rejecting their own people. Are we Bhutanese becoming really selfish and wants to hide regional feelings and follow principle of "social Divide" by throwing our feeling of oneness and unification. We all want to be different now; branding as Sharchops, Ngalops and Lhotshampas. The values of oneness is at question  with this simple incident when I started the Wechat in this group. I have been experiencing the sad incidents while we do class assignment with my Thai friends too.  The language they speak is Thai that I cannot understand at all and I am just silent listener but not the contributor.  The feeling of wider rejection again comes to me at National level from domestic arena. It is really sad and unhappy trend developing based on our critical judgement and self-clinging of "We" and "You". The idea of, We are different than you. Who bothers?  The communication gets blurred and vague, the harmony of co-existence is gone. This is just a food for thought for the world leaders to ponder and refine it if is going wrong.

Nevertheless, the Wechat entertains me with voice messages and wonderful songs sent from Bhutan. Listening to their beautiful voices makes me feel at home. My memories are always cheerful and blissful. Their songs uplift my spirit and releases my tiredness from this worldly chore of study even at this old age here in Bangkok. The life is full of lessons and learning from friends and foes that refines me to become a good human being. My prayer is always with you all who rejected my friendships and love through Facebook and Wechat. May you all live happy and long life filled with prosperity and wealth. May you are dreams come true. For sure, we all are playing the game of life without much directions. Our self-judgment of intelligence and smarter than other guys may bring bottle-neck to our success in life. It would be far better if we remain as what we are? Instead trying to become what we are not? We are losing our intrinsic value forever for sake of one ego.

My last but not the least, thankful goes to the Facebook and Wechat friends for making me better person with your valid comments, postings and rejections.  It was really enlightening experience for me. Since it is the truth that you all taught me. I will never delete from my black-box.

written by: Mindu Wangdi

Self-Discovery and Reflections of my Junior High School days - Part 3 (1996-1997)

Self- Discovery and Reflections of My Junior High School Days- Part 3 (1997-1998)

My primary and raw schooling time period comes to an end when I was placed by the Board of Examination to Tshenkhar Junior High School from Yantgse Primary School. The new journey of my life started by admitting  in this fresh and unknown school as boarding student. There were many new faces from different schools being sent to it. The life style has to change according to time and place. The setting were completely different from primary school. Most of the friends were not that young but seems like a father of two kids if happened to be married back at home. The culture of childhood marriage makes Bhutanese people lose their bachelorhood and splinter-ship. The school is located above Docksum, Zanpozor under Khamdang Gewog on a beautiful hill top that provides bird's eye view of Tongzhang  and Khnini village. The academic blocks were far better than my earlier host. The hostel facilities were better and mess services satisfactory and nutritious.

Recollecting the events that took place in this school is like digging into an ocean for the lost debris of black-box of the crashed airplane to fix what went wrong with the airplane and pilot before being crashed. The human brains can retain events for few years with clarity but soon replaced and deleted from the memory. The old memories are sure to be sign out and the newest memories will sign in for few years before we lose our password for the  user log-in. This happened to my memories too. Most of the events are gone and erased from my computer chips and password is invalid now. In those days, the facilities of recording the events were rare and hardly seen as compared today. Bhutan has under gone milestone of change from isolated country  to highly interconnect to the outside world.

The major event that I could recollect were visiting to  Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh border with our class mates. It was wonderful and memorable event in my life, since I was accompanied by my kind girl friend Yuden who was studying in eight grade, one year senior to me. I am really thankful to Yuden for loving and caring me with her pack lunch every weekends. I, still remember and recollect those days with her. Your company and brief sign up with my life was blissful and memorable. Her hometown  was nearby the school area only. Though my look as youth was  not that really charming but she proposed me for the relationship. The karmic wind of love and cupid's arrow was shot on her to be linked with me. The game of love I played with her is imprinted in my heart and mind. Nothing can erased and delete from my memory chip. Not knowing what exactly love was and playing the game with Yuden somehow blindly made me feel on top of world. Though the forces of karmic wind lasted for only two years. Therefore, she sign out from my life and end of the game when we graduate from that school. My prayers for her brief stay with my life is unbreakable. May your dreams come true and live happy with your would be life partner is simplest prayer I can say today.

Another major and memorable incident took place in this school life was the punishment from our Principal for someone who stole the meat stock from the mess. The whole lot of dried pork or Sikam were taken over by  cutting the wire mesh of the window. The bad guys really did not confess to the crime of stealing and all the boys were given mass punishment to walk on knees  from rough road to school flag post. That was horrible and damaging punishment I ever had in my schooling life. Having reached the ending point, my knees were totally cut and bruised with bloods flooding out. Anyhow, the thieves were saved from the individual punishment but we all suffered without committing any crimes. It was not really a good idea as leader to put army life punishment.

To my surprise, I knew that this guys were Dewathangpa bad boys who shared  me when I passed out from that school after appearing common exams. It was really funny story they told me. These guys used to have a cave in the jungle for cooking the meals that they have stolen and enjoyed with local wines every evening. These guys even stole and lifted the hen coup of our teacher and killed all hens for their meals. But they were always in safe position. The teacher could not really traced out their criminal activities.That was really memorable event and story I could recollect even now. The criminals were smarter than police men. 

The famous Sharchopga song "Khu Khu" singer was from India. He was  my Bhutan history teacher and good friend of my brother, Tandin Wangdi. His good name was Joy. He was perfect in Sharchogpa dialects after long years of works in that school. He was very kind teacher who cared me like his own brother. I, used to visit his home for lunch during weekends and grateful to his care and love extended to me during my stay in that school. By now he must be very old man working as teacher in Wangdiphodrang district with his happy family. My sincere prayer is dedicated to Joy Sir and family for their  long and happy life in Bhutan and India. He was another true son of Bhutan who dedicated his selfless work for the betterment of Bhutanese youths by teaching Bhutan history and English language long time ago.

The faint memory of visiting chili garden for my appetite was another story I could recollect. Moreover, visiting of ground nut fields of the villagers during evenings to satiate my hungriness after long hours of study were the fond memories  that I could carry with me. Having done and appeared the common exam finally closed the chapter of my story.

This is how my junior high school days come to an end  abruptly leaving nothing behind. The foot prints of Mr. Mindu Wangdi will never be seen and traced out if I visit once more with my camera for record. For, it is the truth, "All compounded things are to be disintegrated one day" said Lord Buddha. Happy to meet but sorrow to depart.We all  departed as if the birds were flocking in different directions when attacked by an Eagle. The wind of karmic forces blew of us to our destinations and never to say Hi again.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Self Discovery & reflections of my Pre-primary school days- part 2 (1989-1995)

As said "the life is journey and you travel it". My travel begins with admission to class PP at Chaskhar Primary School located below the firm road extended from Yadi town under Mongar District. It might take one hour journey approximately from Yadi turning point to reach my school with full of turnings and passing through narrow roads. I, still remember our school blocks were located near by a big Chorten that we use to play around with my friends after intervals. The small stretch of football ground served us as our play ground. The football use to roll away to the deep jungles  which took us hours to find and locate. The head master's quarter was nearby our Chorten with his family members living in. The daughter of our headmaster was my class mate who used to get topper always. I'm just wandering where would  be my childhood friends now working in bhutan or elsewhere or permanently gone from this world leaving me behind? I did not meet even single of them till date.  Everything has changed and my memories are thin and like the scripts written on the sand nearby the oceans to be deleted. Our packed lunch  were placed on the stones slaves of big Stupa. The ringing of the bells for intervals thrilled us for the fun and game after long hours of teaching in the class. 

As soon as the classes were over, we head towards our home on foot for an hours of climb from the road head  to my brother, Tandin Wangdi's temporary shed in the village as Section Officer (SO) for Irrigation channels. It was fun to run and rush with our class mates back home. I, really did not feel it as burden in those childhood days. The weekends were the most interesting days where we used to collect pine cones for our firewood and heating up the room from coldness.

Wandering through the jungles gave me most deep attachment towards the Nature. The washing of my dress was another chore for the weekends. In the evening, my brother use to teach me and Tenja (sister to brother's wife)  the lessons that we learned in the class. I, still remember Tenja was really poor in studies and used to get beatings from my brother and she left the school studying up to class four only and finally landed up as wife of an army man based in Samdrup Jongkhar now.  I, even remember, one man shot an arrow in my spinal cord while I was fetching water from the tank located near the temporary archery ground and I was immediately rushed to the hospital at Yadi for medication by brother on his Yamaha motorbike. It was narrow escape from the hands of lord Yama, the lord of Death. My four years stay at Chaskhar primary school comes to an end when my brother was transferred to Tashiyangtse District. Our temporary home land is no more to abreast but just a dreamland that I wish to visit once before I die and miles to go.

Having reached and settled at Tashiyangtse for new life in new place with new tastes was memorable and fun going. The grade that I was placed at Tashiyangtse primary school was in class four. Here, I am no longer a day scholar which I used to be at Chaskaher but admitted as a boarder. Not yet matured but no options were left for me to accept the facts of life. Our hostel were dirty and dusty filled with bed bugs and fleas that frequent us for blood. During the weekends I have an opportunity to visit my brother's home for good meals and hot tea. There was sea of change in my mental development when imposed with raising oneself and unguided by any one. Hostel life is one of the toughest life that I ever undergo during my schooling days. Feeling hungry, thirsty but no stuff to eat away as I dreamed. It was necessary to take part in studies, cultural programs, national days, sporting events and evening prayers with folded hands where my mind use to fly away to elsewhere. The most dreadful person was our warden Lop Tshencho from Paro, the dangerous man. Everyone feared of his presence and punch that he will throw on our face. It was really bad experience that one of my friends got many punches from lop Tshencho for his some misdeeds in the night hours.

My friend Thinley Wangdi from Lichen village was another memorable guy who used to do lot of mischievous activities in the school dragging me even in his ugly jobs. The best friend ever I had was Mr. Tempa Dorji who hails from Kangpara and working as a teacher in Tashiyantse. My life in Tashi Yangtse were spent mostly fishing in the Kholong Chu river banks where once I was caught by the Forest Ranger and took away all of my catches and warned me not to repeat in the future. Collecting firewood for the oven was another tedious job that I get from bother and In-sister.

 I, even visited Risum Goenpa and Dechen Phodrang monastery located far away from my school with In-law sister and her friends. It was really charming and memorable pilgrimage that I ever made at my youthful days without knowing much of the essence and values. The long hours of journey through the thick jungles gave me deep sense of peace and happiness. Brushing through the pilgrimage sites at Dechen Phoradang was most enchanting experiences. I, faintly remember that Decchen Phodrang was blessed by Guru Rinopche with many holy places. May be due to my past karmic connection I could visit such a holy places during my youthful days as a fun but really not as spiritual journey. I, did not remember what I really wished in these holy places for my future directions.

The most memorable days of my youthful life at Tashiyangtse were Chorten Kora festivals that provided us platform for fun and amusement that prolongs whole night. Thousands of people will gather for the annual festival from different districts. Even the people from Tawang, Arnuchal Pradesh, India will attend this festival. It was believed that  a Dakini  from Tawang was inserted alive as the Nangten (Inner relic) to this Chorten to subdue the demonic forces of that place and for the stability of Chorten. . It could be true that this chorten's foundation was laid on the lake by one great Master with his magical power. The proof that I saw was that, during the summer, we can see the water gushing up from foundation of the Chorten and becomes marshy land posing risk to the visitors and Chorten's foundation itself. During this festival, many people use to do business for short term gain. But many visitors have hidden agendas that I really could not understand and left as mystery to solve one day.

This is how my primary schooling days comes to an end at Tashiyantse as part of my journey without much imprints left behind. The memories and the fun that I had during my youthful days were just sacred relic curved on sands being washed away by the waves of ocean. Such is our life; nothing remained same forever but change is a dynamic process that keeps us moving ahead not knowing where I am actually travelling to.

written by: Mindu Wangdi