Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The War

The history is the crystal clear mirror that documents the thousands of wars fought for many generations by different nations for different reasons. Reading the history makes my heart bleed since many soldiers and citizens lost their lives for sake of war and battles. It could be the safeguarding of their national boundary on the land and airspace and pooling the natural resources for economic gain, the wars were waged against their enemies. The concept of war indeed is directly linked with any national leaders attachment for the power, economic gain and business success. Sometimes, the business model of some Country is building military goods and export to make more money from the war torn nations. Therefore, the some of the leaders have to find some reasons to spark the war against some nation for silly reasons to run their business model. Otherwise, their military goods are not sold and incur heavy loss to the company profitability. Such companies are happy with huge gain but many innocent lives are lost. Is it really fair and justified  to see some innocent people die for sake of someones business gain by selling tankers and guns? Should our leader change their business model into peaceful products and make this world happy place to live. Do they really have compassionate heart? Do they really care for peaceful neighborhood is the only way to achieve best negotiation for win-win situation rather than battling with force and ammunition.  Most of the resources are wasted due to war.

The war is fought for expanding their territories and airspace as powerful nations.  All nations want to look powerful and have more influence on other countries with their military might and economic power. No nations wants to stay happy with what we have and what the mother earth already provided enough for survival. The economic wants are bloating aggressively and people are going mad due to our policies of economic growth fueled with desire and craving. We have no contentment at heart but wants to amass more financial gain in the stock market. Indeed every nation have enough natural resources if utilized judiciously and economically. We really don't need to expand our wing towards another territories in the hunt of resources with help of war and force. Should our world leaders shift their paradigm towards more peaceful solution by forgetting the concept of wars. The concept of war is human created; therefore it is preventable and solvable if we can shift our paradigm towards peaceful coexistence with neighborhood. Killing our enemy is not the final solution but begging of the problem. The cause and effect of killing is to repay the debt in next life in the same way. This is vicious circle of cause and effect or karma in Buddhist terminology. Today, we will kill them but tomorrow they will kill us since there is no end of life until and unless we are fully enlightened.

I would like to dedicate my lay man's prayer and wishes to those who lost their lives at Gaza,  Ukraine and Afghanistan due to current ongoing wars for sake of human desire to control and suppressed the enemies with bombardment and shelling day and night. May their soul reach the heavens of ten directions of Buddha and end their sufferings of hellish realms. May also the world leaders too change their strategy of war into peaceful coexistence with our immediate neighborhood and make this world a safe and better place to live on. May all sentient being enjoy the peace and happiness not the war and famines and live long life.

Mindu Wangdi

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