Monday, August 18, 2014

Professors & Paradigm

There is old Bhutanese saying that "the tree that bears heavy fruits will remain always bent down. And the tree without fruits will erect up its branches shapelessly". In the same way, so called the highly qualified Professors should be down to the earth with their fruits of learning for many decades as compared to non-qualified students at the College. But the modern education really could not make these Professors cool and down to earth with their doctoral degrees pasted on their name tag and many publications in the international journals with the recognition awards offered for their efforts and wisdom.

Listening in the class to different Professors' lectures on different subjects made me feel very sad and hopeless.  One Professor said in the class openly that in the future " Professors will be the most powerful people on this earth" Since they have power of  knowledge and learning updates for sale away to the existing knowledge hungry market. I, was just wandering, if Professors are powerful people on this earth, why this world was not ruled by the Professors than bad politicians on the top ranking list of organization structure. The knowledgeable people should be ruling this world and make better place to live with wisdom and power of knowledge. That did not happen in the past either and will never happen in the future too.

Such prediction could be just wishes made to the open and clear sky for rainfall immediately. This is how our learned people show off to their students who analyses their current mind set without sending any signals to their words and actions displayed. Such paradigm of our Professors could not be compared to the but tree without fruits that erects up with their bloating ego clashes. The modern business courses  flame up the ego of learners' rather than cooling down like tree full of fruits bending so low that others cannot recognize that he/she is a Professors or not from the crowd.

The  highly learned and realized master like Indian Saint namely, Shantideva, never spoke of his depth of knowledge and power of achievement to his students but always keep down to the earth and say "I don't know anything!" This saint finally dissolve his body into space and could hear his words only by the listeners while teaching his last chapter on Bodhicharyavatara. This is how our modern Professors should be displaying their true Nature of learned people to the society and benefit all from their wisdom and knowledge sharing. Does modern education really help to make human beings better cognitive animals? Or it is destroying the real essence of human values with bloating egotistic mind set for the sake of personal fame and recognition.

I feel that modern scientific & business courses bring more harm than benefits to the society in the form strategic business wars among the competitors leaving behind the human intrinsic values of  peaceful co-existence with the neighbors for the market share and profitability. If one could become billionaires listing their names in Forbes magazines; who bothers how many people go hungry everyday in the streets and villages and die every second without proper medical support from the state. That is the impact of modern education and wealth sharing programs coined as per the law of economics & strategic business management style. The paradigm of saintly learned person will always help every sentient beings in this hellish realm with his Bodhi Mind that have no ego clinging but purely selfless work dedicated  for the betterment of sentient beings spiritual  and economic well being showered with peace and tranquility in present and after-life too.

May the world be filled with such Professor cum saint like Shantideva who can dispel the darkness of all students with his power of wisdom and knowledge and show the path for after-life too. May the blind spot & short shortsightedness  of our existing Professors be shed off by the power of Shantideva, wisdom Buddha to help students be guided in a clear direction with purpose and meaning in life instead of hunting money and power with different games.

Mindu Wangdi

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