Saturday, August 16, 2014

Cowboy 2

Who does not like the life with full of fun and freedom on this earth? who is really committed to their words and translation into action. We human being tends to say one thing in front of someone and do ugly thing behind the curtain. Long retreat at V.M Mansion with my chronic sickness for almost one and half being jailed in. It was right time for me to explore Bangkok city of night life. I heard only the story from my friends who frequents such place known as "Cowboy 2" to watch beautiful and sexy ladies showcase their body figure with slithering dances in front of us.

Anywhere I go, I do learn new thing known as soft skills that helps me to cope with life in better way. The taxi driver will guide us with many names of Pubs filled with girls and visitors. This is another lucrative niche  of business model practiced in Bangkok to earn better profit. The night life begins from 6 PM to 2 AM and visitors tends to depart after that long stay at pubs with wine and beer. The freedom of enjoyment is highly realized on the land of Smile. The girls can have their better choice in life to be at home or at bars to make their living. There is nothing to be shocked or ashamed of such way of earning their bread. It is an accepted facts.Some society's will frown at such bar life and say strictly "Not Acceptable". Jobs are limited and living  in the city is getting harder in any where on this world. Only few enjoy very comfortable life.

Most of the commoners go hungry everyday and many beggars are seen loitering in the street for coins. I was just wandering, how many coins will that beggar could collect per day. The small kids are slept on the foot paths with a cup nearby for donations from street roamer like me. I rarely could throw even a single coin in their cups since I am also just surviving hand to mouth. I know, I should contribute few coins to their plight but I am helpless. The guilt in my heart pricks for I have failed to serve my past parents suffering in this hellish life.

I know in my heart all of you who suffer as beggar, bar naked dancers and sex workers  to entertain their guests are my past beloved parents who cared and tendered me with food, clothing and love. But due to our ignorance and attachment, we are born in different forms in different countries and we cannot identify our relationships since we are changing everyday and dying every second. Today we meet at this bar as entertainer and guest, tomorrow we might be at cremation ground to be cremated away to get another bodily form. What value does our sexy and slithering body have achieved really if we cannot identify "who I am". Am I only mean for such jobs and die without understanding "self Nature" could be worse life than animals ever lived. Do we have time to ask self-exploring in depth question for self -discovery with busy schedule day and night? Even the highly learned person may not be in that position to quest and discover further as the world is moving fast and humans are rushing to catch up the trends. That is how our precious life is wasted and gone to the dustbin. It is tearful since we all are just licking an knife coated tiny honey risking our life.

What ever may be the job we do on this earth to earn life. It is fine and sounds charming if it makes you feel satisfied with. Life has to go on and living should be made anyway. But, very important part in our life; we should try to explore our inner self-journey rather than having excessive travel round the world blowing away the dollars for human flesh, drinks and tobacco for earning short lived happiness and freedom. Such freedom  and happiness are temporary for us. It vanishes away due to our aging and sickness. The perfect peace and happiness lies in knowing our self-truth or Nature. May the happiness of bar dancers, beggars and visitors be doubled. May you all enjoy continued peace and happiness by rocking your bodies on the steel wheels and earn lot of tips from blue eyed foreigners that you glued with expectations. They will blow off their dollars for you. Best of luck.

Mindu Wangdi


  1. Wai Neljor Chenpo..very well written and the conclusion is super...keep it up.

  2. Thanks Kota....simple commentary on their life.
