Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Bhutanese Wine Offering Culture

The Culture of offering local wine to our guests as a gesture of welcoming tea in the rural Bhutanese society existed since the dawn of Bhutanese civilization especially in the eastern parts of Bhutan. It was not that famous in the western parts of Bhutan but that Culture was infused into existence lately among the western Bhutanese society with the migration of Easterners to the west in the search of opportunities and prosperous way of life. The migratory nature of Bhutanese civilization have huge impacts on the cultural exchanges and diffusion between different societal norms like southerners, easterners and westerners. Every aspect of different culture is diffused with the marriage of different background couples and such mixed culture is inherited by their sons and daughters to be further passed down the line of history where the individual culture is lost during the transition period. The new settlers have to adjust with new cultural aspect of that society to fit in beautifully. If he/she fails to seamlessly sink in with different culture gets knocked out from that society with stigmatic blames and rejections as a "black sheep."

In Bhutanese culture, the raw wine is very much needed  for the offering to our protecting deities as "Serkaem" "Wine Offering Ceremony" with recitation of prayers by the monks in any activity that we carry on to be successful and fruitful. This Culture of wine offering was introduced by second Buddha, Guru Rinpoche during 8th the Century at Tibet. Guru Rinpoche offered wine "Serkaem" to all protecting and local deities to support  and complete the construction works without any obstacles from the devils and demons. The evils spirits destroyed the Samyay Monastery constructions works during the night with its forces pooled from the universal devils. Therefore, Guru Rinpoche offered blessed wine  to all  protecting and local deities to ward-off those devils who destroys everything. The Tibetan King, Thrisong Duetshen's dream of constructions were fulfilled finally with Guru Rinpoche's support received from protecting deities' blessings and empowerment.

Based on Guru Rinpoche's teaching on the offering of wine; Kuenkhen Pema Karpo, composed the prayer for wine offering which is widely used these days in Bhutan in any small activities like playing archery, promotion  and big ceremonies like king's coronation were kick-off with wine offering ceremony by the realized monks. This is the real Cultural aspect of "wine offering" widely accepted and practiced in Bhutanese society and is living in our hearts and minds. It has already touched deep down the blood veins of Bhutanese people. Without which we all feel something is missing from our agenda of the day and we always need the support of protecting deities to achieve our dreams in life with much easier way like Tibetan King did.

In the same way, the Eastern Bhutan has strong cultural bonding of offering locally brewed wine to their visiting guests as welcome note. Every guest will be ushered in with cup of wine in the east whether you like it or not. This is another small aspect of wine offering culture came into existence in the easterner's mind set. People value this culture as part of life and living mechanism. Every households will brew local wine using maize as raw materials with yeast applied for fermentation process and people drink wine during any local festivals and celebrations. These days, the beer brand has overtaken the local wine, in the villages with new shops selling beer and other alcoholic brands like Whiskey and Rum XXX etc.  With much higher disposable income, rural people shifted to these new brands as options to drink and socialize themselves. Drinkers can get many friends with the same feathers of birds flocking together and non-drinkers are left alone in this modern days even in the rural life settings.

Nowadays, our parental culture has become dangerous to individual health that destroys our liver and many citizens got killed with excessive drinks. The fighting of youths are broken out due to alcoholic seepage. As we Bhutanese have local saying: " When wine seeps into our body; the words will pop up easily". This old saying is true as our youths are taking excessive alcohol and creates societal turbulence in the form of gang fights, looting and  murdering their enemies. The wonderful culture has been turn into more leisure activity and waste of economical resources. Many people are sent to Indian hospitals for treatment related to alcohol drinks. The health trust fund is now bleeding heavily to treat our culturally bonded illness blessed after drinking too much. The sad thing that I see during promotion of culture as offering wine in the east is highlighted in the television serial like "Pha Mai Lab Ja" ' Parental Guidance" should be continued forever and praised heavily as good. It will create positive energy to our young minds to drink more and be like others which is not proper way of life.

Therefore, should Bhutanese people now change our mind set from accepting wine offering as perennial living culture? Or Should Bhutanese people come up with much healthier and better culture instead of offering wine to please our guests but indirectly we are killing our guest finally as chronic alcoholic person. This culture is also non-sustainable to our economic health and citizens's well being in the long run. Religiously, this offering of wine is acceptable for our deities don't get drunk and die like common citizens do. The good culture is now being transformed into harmful culture by the end users with the passage of time. However, it is left to the judgement of readers to give second thought to our cultural drawbacks and hiccups to clear as learned society of twenty first century.

Mindu Wangdi


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Plastic Bottle Hunter

My daily chore starts with wine offering " Soelkha"  to my protecting deities at seven morning sharp and some light breakfast to kick-off the day. Having to travel few minutes to attend my classes as scheduled by the College of Mahidol University, Thailand. It is disturbing and sad to see and meet always an old lady, bent back, with huge plastic bag on her back, gathering the plastic bottles from the dustbins being dumped by the dwellers for earning some money to sustain her old life. Seeing her struggle to hunt for plastic bottles at this critical age around eighties could be painful and difficult under the scorching sun that pounds her daily. Immediately, I could remember my old mother at home who also have to do some little domestic works to support my brother and kids at this old age. Deep inside my heart, I also share her pain and suffering for having to suffer in this way. 

This incident probed me to question that whether this old lady is having any sons and daughters to look after her at this old age instead of hunting for plastic bottles everyday? It is her best time to rest at home and recite some prayers to prepare for the death. The Thai people are proud of saying that they take care their parents very well at old age with comfort and peace. Seeing this old lady's pathetic condition gathering the plastic bottles proved to be wrong in what they used to claim always in front of me. In the oceans, there could be crocodiles, sharks, sea lions and also gold fish too. In the same way, there could be some bad sons and daughters  who never care their parents after their wishes are fulfilled in every society.

The western style of thinking as "individualism" has encroached every Country and old parents are becoming burden to their sons and daughters and finally chased out from home to sustain of their own way by doing such activity of brushing through dustbins smelling so horrible to find some bottles. This is the pitfall side of our modern economic paradigm and business mentality. Every one is hooked to do some ugly jobs for the sake of money. The concept of money has created all greed and war on this earth. For sake of money, people are murdered, sex is sold out and  banks are looted out. 

The most disturbing thing about this old lady is that I could meet her every street corners that I do visit. She is found at Victory Monument, Century Park, Century Mall, Rangam, Ding Daeng Road and  Center One shopping Mall carrying her plastic bag filled with bottles under burning sun. She looks very weak and tired after the long hours of hunting all dustbins for her sustenance.  I can see many rich sections of society in Thailand enjoy the life of luxury driving BMW  and enjoying swimming pool at condominium.  But on the other hand, this old lady represents the income distribution in Thai economy  is in-equal and unjustified one. 

As a Buddhist Country, we always claim to be kind and compassionate to our parents, but this lady really did not get any support and kind showering from the richer sections of society. She is left alone to fight for living at this old age brushing all ugly dustbins. She is living the life of street dogs standard. No one notices how much she suffers alone. Who bothers when some is dying for water; every one is now self-fish and want to become rich by cheating others in the form of business and forget our human values of loving kindness and compassion. We are going into deep life style of individualism and self-centered forgetting our parents completely behind. 

This is a great mistake we educated lots are making in this twenty first century. We should achieve our dreams to become rich and powerful people but never forget to take care of our parents who toiled their whole life for our upbringing. We all should be helping the old parents with decent home and foods to enjoy their last minutes of life on this earth. Whoever, could do this task of making our parents happy, could be the most learned and highly educated person with values and ethics of life. Otherwise, we are just not better than animals.  May the old parents enjoy peaceful life on this earth and end their suffering in toiling ugly jobs which is  dehumanizing valuable life that is rare to get.

Mindu Wangdi

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Beyond My Control

I have landed on the Land of Smile, Thailand with an objective to earn my Master Degree in Leadership & Human Resource Management under the Thailand International Cooperation Agency scholarship that keeps me alive with little stuff that I can buy from my stipend of seven thousand Bahts monthly. The internet prepaid of four hundred bahts from seven thousand leaves me only six thousand six hundred in my pocket to complete the month long food expenses. My local travel expenses are to be met from this balance anyhow like visiting hospitals frequently and doing some shopping for kitchen items. Having to survive with that little amount is challenging and daunting task that I am fighting with. Wishful thinking of increasing our stipend is just like dreaming to build castle on sand bank.  It was beyond my control and no powerful mundane gods could come and throw some additional bahts to cushioned my pockets in my room. Dreams to visit beautiful places in Thailand is absolutely cut and broken due to thin pocket that I carry with me.  

Having to struggle with limited money in my pocket along with chronic hyper acidity in my stomach is further worsened by continuous sad and bad news of passing away of my In-law sister, nephew and In-law brother  in Bhutan recently. The information of their sad demise is fed to me very fast with the help of information technology like Wechat and Lines. Every moment of their approaching death is updated and the pain at my heart is unbearable one. Though I am far away from them, but the emotional pain is going through my heart and mind since I cannot meet them anyway. I am all alone suffering here in my room saying some prayers for their peaceful journey after death and to knock the door of Blissful Paradise of Guru Rinpoche and Chenrizi. The journey after death is like moving on the rough seas where the soul gets tortured endlessly before getting another rebirth in the form of human beings or animals depending on their merits collected during their stay on this earth as human beings. The power of merits will help the dead souls to gain any wishes that they make during the intermediate state of "Bardo". Therefore, doing some good deeds for their demise by the relatives is highly important as Buddhist concept of interdependence law of human life and death.

It was beyond my control, you all left me in sad and void mood alone here in the Land of Smile. I have no time to smile but feel always heavy at heart. How lucky to be born as my family members for very brief stay  on in this world as human being and bid me farewell suddenly leaving no traces of your faces and achievements in life. As said" Happy to meet but sad to depart", you all departed as destined to be. I know the fact that even if ten thousand Buddha cannot save us from schedule of "Death". It will snatch away our life forces and leave behind all crying family, friends and relatives for your passing away. You, demised souls can see me, but I cannot see you at all due to my limited realization or non-achievement of wisdom eye. Such are the facts of human life; birth, aging and death comes to everyone. It is just matter of who will go earlier and later but everyone has to pass this gate. Nonetheless, your passing away has alerted me to concentrate more on my meditation practices and you all are my teachers of impermanence and uncertain in life.  Let me pray that, we all will be reborn in the same family and continue to spread the Buddha Dharma and serve the sentient beings with sincere and dedicated hearts. May you all experience the visit of Dankinis for reception and attain the perfect peace.

Mindu Wangdi 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Professors & Paradigm

There is old Bhutanese saying that "the tree that bears heavy fruits will remain always bent down. And the tree without fruits will erect up its branches shapelessly". In the same way, so called the highly qualified Professors should be down to the earth with their fruits of learning for many decades as compared to non-qualified students at the College. But the modern education really could not make these Professors cool and down to earth with their doctoral degrees pasted on their name tag and many publications in the international journals with the recognition awards offered for their efforts and wisdom.

Listening in the class to different Professors' lectures on different subjects made me feel very sad and hopeless.  One Professor said in the class openly that in the future " Professors will be the most powerful people on this earth" Since they have power of  knowledge and learning updates for sale away to the existing knowledge hungry market. I, was just wandering, if Professors are powerful people on this earth, why this world was not ruled by the Professors than bad politicians on the top ranking list of organization structure. The knowledgeable people should be ruling this world and make better place to live with wisdom and power of knowledge. That did not happen in the past either and will never happen in the future too.

Such prediction could be just wishes made to the open and clear sky for rainfall immediately. This is how our learned people show off to their students who analyses their current mind set without sending any signals to their words and actions displayed. Such paradigm of our Professors could not be compared to the but tree without fruits that erects up with their bloating ego clashes. The modern business courses  flame up the ego of learners' rather than cooling down like tree full of fruits bending so low that others cannot recognize that he/she is a Professors or not from the crowd.

The  highly learned and realized master like Indian Saint namely, Shantideva, never spoke of his depth of knowledge and power of achievement to his students but always keep down to the earth and say "I don't know anything!" This saint finally dissolve his body into space and could hear his words only by the listeners while teaching his last chapter on Bodhicharyavatara. This is how our modern Professors should be displaying their true Nature of learned people to the society and benefit all from their wisdom and knowledge sharing. Does modern education really help to make human beings better cognitive animals? Or it is destroying the real essence of human values with bloating egotistic mind set for the sake of personal fame and recognition.

I feel that modern scientific & business courses bring more harm than benefits to the society in the form strategic business wars among the competitors leaving behind the human intrinsic values of  peaceful co-existence with the neighbors for the market share and profitability. If one could become billionaires listing their names in Forbes magazines; who bothers how many people go hungry everyday in the streets and villages and die every second without proper medical support from the state. That is the impact of modern education and wealth sharing programs coined as per the law of economics & strategic business management style. The paradigm of saintly learned person will always help every sentient beings in this hellish realm with his Bodhi Mind that have no ego clinging but purely selfless work dedicated  for the betterment of sentient beings spiritual  and economic well being showered with peace and tranquility in present and after-life too.

May the world be filled with such Professor cum saint like Shantideva who can dispel the darkness of all students with his power of wisdom and knowledge and show the path for after-life too. May the blind spot & short shortsightedness  of our existing Professors be shed off by the power of Shantideva, wisdom Buddha to help students be guided in a clear direction with purpose and meaning in life instead of hunting money and power with different games.

Mindu Wangdi

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Cowboy 2

Who does not like the life with full of fun and freedom on this earth? who is really committed to their words and translation into action. We human being tends to say one thing in front of someone and do ugly thing behind the curtain. Long retreat at V.M Mansion with my chronic sickness for almost one and half being jailed in. It was right time for me to explore Bangkok city of night life. I heard only the story from my friends who frequents such place known as "Cowboy 2" to watch beautiful and sexy ladies showcase their body figure with slithering dances in front of us.

Anywhere I go, I do learn new thing known as soft skills that helps me to cope with life in better way. The taxi driver will guide us with many names of Pubs filled with girls and visitors. This is another lucrative niche  of business model practiced in Bangkok to earn better profit. The night life begins from 6 PM to 2 AM and visitors tends to depart after that long stay at pubs with wine and beer. The freedom of enjoyment is highly realized on the land of Smile. The girls can have their better choice in life to be at home or at bars to make their living. There is nothing to be shocked or ashamed of such way of earning their bread. It is an accepted facts.Some society's will frown at such bar life and say strictly "Not Acceptable". Jobs are limited and living  in the city is getting harder in any where on this world. Only few enjoy very comfortable life.

Most of the commoners go hungry everyday and many beggars are seen loitering in the street for coins. I was just wandering, how many coins will that beggar could collect per day. The small kids are slept on the foot paths with a cup nearby for donations from street roamer like me. I rarely could throw even a single coin in their cups since I am also just surviving hand to mouth. I know, I should contribute few coins to their plight but I am helpless. The guilt in my heart pricks for I have failed to serve my past parents suffering in this hellish life.

I know in my heart all of you who suffer as beggar, bar naked dancers and sex workers  to entertain their guests are my past beloved parents who cared and tendered me with food, clothing and love. But due to our ignorance and attachment, we are born in different forms in different countries and we cannot identify our relationships since we are changing everyday and dying every second. Today we meet at this bar as entertainer and guest, tomorrow we might be at cremation ground to be cremated away to get another bodily form. What value does our sexy and slithering body have achieved really if we cannot identify "who I am". Am I only mean for such jobs and die without understanding "self Nature" could be worse life than animals ever lived. Do we have time to ask self-exploring in depth question for self -discovery with busy schedule day and night? Even the highly learned person may not be in that position to quest and discover further as the world is moving fast and humans are rushing to catch up the trends. That is how our precious life is wasted and gone to the dustbin. It is tearful since we all are just licking an knife coated tiny honey risking our life.

What ever may be the job we do on this earth to earn life. It is fine and sounds charming if it makes you feel satisfied with. Life has to go on and living should be made anyway. But, very important part in our life; we should try to explore our inner self-journey rather than having excessive travel round the world blowing away the dollars for human flesh, drinks and tobacco for earning short lived happiness and freedom. Such freedom  and happiness are temporary for us. It vanishes away due to our aging and sickness. The perfect peace and happiness lies in knowing our self-truth or Nature. May the happiness of bar dancers, beggars and visitors be doubled. May you all enjoy continued peace and happiness by rocking your bodies on the steel wheels and earn lot of tips from blue eyed foreigners that you glued with expectations. They will blow off their dollars for you. Best of luck.

Mindu Wangdi

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The War

The history is the crystal clear mirror that documents the thousands of wars fought for many generations by different nations for different reasons. Reading the history makes my heart bleed since many soldiers and citizens lost their lives for sake of war and battles. It could be the safeguarding of their national boundary on the land and airspace and pooling the natural resources for economic gain, the wars were waged against their enemies. The concept of war indeed is directly linked with any national leaders attachment for the power, economic gain and business success. Sometimes, the business model of some Country is building military goods and export to make more money from the war torn nations. Therefore, the some of the leaders have to find some reasons to spark the war against some nation for silly reasons to run their business model. Otherwise, their military goods are not sold and incur heavy loss to the company profitability. Such companies are happy with huge gain but many innocent lives are lost. Is it really fair and justified  to see some innocent people die for sake of someones business gain by selling tankers and guns? Should our leader change their business model into peaceful products and make this world happy place to live. Do they really have compassionate heart? Do they really care for peaceful neighborhood is the only way to achieve best negotiation for win-win situation rather than battling with force and ammunition.  Most of the resources are wasted due to war.

The war is fought for expanding their territories and airspace as powerful nations.  All nations want to look powerful and have more influence on other countries with their military might and economic power. No nations wants to stay happy with what we have and what the mother earth already provided enough for survival. The economic wants are bloating aggressively and people are going mad due to our policies of economic growth fueled with desire and craving. We have no contentment at heart but wants to amass more financial gain in the stock market. Indeed every nation have enough natural resources if utilized judiciously and economically. We really don't need to expand our wing towards another territories in the hunt of resources with help of war and force. Should our world leaders shift their paradigm towards more peaceful solution by forgetting the concept of wars. The concept of war is human created; therefore it is preventable and solvable if we can shift our paradigm towards peaceful coexistence with neighborhood. Killing our enemy is not the final solution but begging of the problem. The cause and effect of killing is to repay the debt in next life in the same way. This is vicious circle of cause and effect or karma in Buddhist terminology. Today, we will kill them but tomorrow they will kill us since there is no end of life until and unless we are fully enlightened.

I would like to dedicate my lay man's prayer and wishes to those who lost their lives at Gaza,  Ukraine and Afghanistan due to current ongoing wars for sake of human desire to control and suppressed the enemies with bombardment and shelling day and night. May their soul reach the heavens of ten directions of Buddha and end their sufferings of hellish realms. May also the world leaders too change their strategy of war into peaceful coexistence with our immediate neighborhood and make this world a safe and better place to live on. May all sentient being enjoy the peace and happiness not the war and famines and live long life.

Mindu Wangdi

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Century Park Life

The Bangkok is ranked as 8th mega city in the world and it is true indeed. The people are working twenty hours to earn more money.  I as the student of Mahidol College of Management is also one of the Bankok's  citizens for short duration. My gratitude goes to Thailand International Cooperation Agency for supporting my studies in foreign land with just to survive daily. After long hours of class and studies, the best place for me to take rest is the Century Park where I have to walk around twenty minutes from my ghostly haunted V.M mansion. 

As soon as I reach the Park; the music of Chinese dance played by the exercise lovers will welcome me with fresh air blowing from the west that kisses my body softly making me feel quite bizarre and poetic. Sitting on the chair and watching many activities of different people going on is memorable. Someone with head phone on their heads for music with short pants running round the track makes me feel quite funny. Do we really need music on while we run? That is another mystery I could not get answer from them. I have no right to interview the strangers but just have some hypotheses on their behaviors. 

In the corner of flower garden, I see many youths taking photo with their lavish IPhone in different postures. Some girls try to show off their beauty in front of public and distract my attention as silent observer of the park. They never know what I am doing, indeed, I am observing their personalities and behaviors as silent watcher in the park. It is really good to be silent observer, we can learn many characters of different people in the park. Sometimes I feel that I am window shopper who can understand all consumer behaviors in the park if I want to open any business here in Bangkok. Watching human beings act is rejoicing and fruitful ways of gaining ideas of current mood.

In some corners, I can see new girl friends and boy friends came for evening date near small artificial fountain and murmuring their love story and happiness. I was wandering if I could know what they are sharing and planing for the night? This is another mystery which I cannot solve with my ordinary mind. I need to hire the omniscient power of Lord Buddha to read other's mind  fully. Can scientific development help to read others mind stream at that present moment in the park. The modern Scientists are confused while dealing with human minds and subtle change under going. Did scientists really understood their mind? The nuclear bomb and war heads are products of scientists but they are still confused themselves as godly figure. 

The kids are having joyous life at children's park hanging around. It is the place where everyone gets happiness and joy after long hours of work in the day. May their happiness and peace be sustained forever. But sadly, life is uncertain and death is certain. Will I see them tomorrow as happy as today? This is how human life runs on this earth. Since the death day is unknown and unpredictable by any of us. Today we are in this park happily doing some activities. Tomorrow, we may not be meeting in this park. Therefore, I wish you all visitors of park a happy and pleasant life. May we all meet in Zangdopelri in front of Guru Rinpcohe and Khandro Yeshi Tshogyel.  May you all live long life. This is the prayer of silent man of Park.

Mindu Wangdi

Life and Sickness!

Recollecting the day I start my life in Bangkok to study master degree at Mahidol University is all pain and suffering that I undergo in the foreign land where I have one to rely and trust. My mind still digs out the ugly question of whether it was my past "fate" or "Karma" that send to Bangkok, the land of Smile. Foreigner like me really did not have any peace and happiness in the land of smile and joy but full of sickness and pain throughout my study period. No sooner did I arrived here, I was invited by big fall in the toilet at midnight and my suffering continues till date with poor digestive system sickness. The hospital namely Ramthibodi is another home where I frequently visit with my different sicknesses and symptoms. Who will understand my deep suffering on this earth in the foreign land to earn master degree to make my family happy and prosperous. Deeply hurt and crying at heart but no one notices my tears rolling down the checks. Who bothers in this 21st century whether your neighbor is alive or dead? All care their own boundaries only. All are so selfish and individualistic way of life.  Will my wife and kids? Will my Bhutan Narcotics Control Agency Office mates? Will the Royal Civil Service Commission?  Will my family members? Will Buddhas of ten directions? will College of Management Mahidol University faculty & Professors? 

Having to visit hospital time and time makes my heart bleed and shy face. It is difficult to consult doctors with frequent visit at Ramathibodi as foreigner. Nothing is offered free in Thailand. Every step has its financial burden and implications as student where the insurance coverage is limited. Surviving with just seven thousand baht per month along with my  medical bills is becoming nightmare whereby I have to knock the door of my scholarship office. With the help of my protecting deities and Buddhas of ten directions, I received good support from my scholarship office to refund for my excessive bills. The insurance coverage is very low for me and lengthy process to get refund of few thousands which drives me to crazy situation. This is how I am suffering in the land of Smile due to my ill-luck and low merits collected in my past life.

Lord Buddha said" All individual sufferings come from our bad deeds in the past lives". This theory proved right in case of me.  When we suffer as an individual, no one will notice his/her pain and emotional status. Sometimes, people make fun of ones sickness and add more salt to the sore instead of consoling. Nevertheless, in life, one thing I learned as patient is to live with diseases and evil forces and fight back with resilience mind set and being supported by my protecting  and tutelary deities behind my life. I alone cannot succeed in life indeed. I am very much grateful to my root masters and deities of ten directions for making me very strong at heart even though I was weak in physical set up.

The giant Lord Buddha of Ding Dang road temple which I frequently visit for seeking help in times of hard was the source of inspiration and courage to fight the war with devils, demons and ghosts of Thailand that visits my room and disturb my sleep for more than one year. The devils can manifest in different forms and steal away my life force and send many diseases to kill me right away. At this scientific age, people may believe when I say ghost and devils lurking on to kills us. I did experience here in Bangkok city not in the mountains and just sharing my real life case so that other practitioners can be alert with their Tutelary deity recitations.  The practitioners are never left in peace by these devils and demons who tries to disturb our attention on meditations and mantra recitations. Most of the practitioners get killed along the path if we are not vigilant with this evil forces.

Finally, wishing high to help all sentient beings who suffer in this six realms of hell constantly with birth, aging, sickness and death. This chain of suffering is like "vicious circle of poverty" as said in economics. This vicious circle can't be broken down until and unless we gain enlightenment like Lord Buddha did in 2500 years ago. There is no gate for all sentient beings to escape away from pain in hellish realm but only through deep and constant practice of meditations being guided by great master can cut off this vicious circle and reach the ultimate happiness. May all sentient being enjoy peace and happiness during their short stay in this world. May the wars, famines, and sickness be reduced and may peace prevail on this earth always. May all sentient beings enjoy the best fruit of economic growth.

Mindu Wangdi