Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Scientist Walking Behind

According to Lord Buddha, there are 84,000 types of diseases which can destroy human beings and animals and cause many illnesses. This declaration was made 2500 year ago by the Lord Buddha who had already perfected his wisdom in Biology and Chemistry of diseases indeed. How amazing it is to learn that Buddhism is not an orthodox text or crowds of beliefs we all place on but proven as scientific study done by our only Lord Buddha and left many medical solutions for the future generations to deal with. The Buddhism has got many medical and esoteric solutions that helps to prevent and protect from all these alien diseases and calamities as blessed by Lord Buddha so that we human beings can live happy and healthy life. 

The fear of AIDS, HIV, High Blood pressure, Diabetes  virus is now taken over by the latest Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) out break from African Countries and  scientists and Doctors are left without any solutions for this virus to content it. How come, our scientist and Doctors are walking behind the diseases. The virus can take advantage in different forms to destroy human beings and our scientific development and research is always lagging behind the virus and feel great level of frustrations when they are helpless to destroy the virus of Ebola. This Ebola virus have already killed many people and now the World Health Organization is declaring as emergency state to contain the virus through prevention to other Nations. The Bhutanese people are also trying their best to prevent the deadly virus from entering our soil and the Health Ministry is deputing many health workers in the airport for quarantine of sick people which may be the perfect solution. 

It is very interesting to learn that disease can take very strategic level of changes in their forms that the medicines cannot easily destroy them. How come, these viruses acts like human beings. They uses many tactics and strategies to puzzle our Scientist and Doctors leaving behind. When the enemy "virus" is killing the patients; the Gods "Doctors or Scientists" are watching the drama for they are fighting the war without any guns in their hands to shoot their enemies instantly. How pathetic we human beings are indeed, we cannot understand the best strategy of viruses that destroys faster than we can can prevent through medical solutions? We all think, we are the best and great thinkers and innovators but sometimes, we lose the war to such tinny viruses and get killed in mass. How should the scientists and Doctors find the solutions to such mutating viruses? 

Should the scientists and Doctors follow what lord Buddha has left for us as solutions available in Sutras and Tantric forms of evading such alien viral attacks? The scientific advancement is in slack  period and the viral attack in critical path in this modern days? It is my sincere and humble request to the scientists and Doctors to explore some solution from the Buddhism to apply in the world and accept as the scientific proof instead of getting frustrated without any solutions left after long scientific study. We should fight the war with guns in our hands, if we want to win the war from Ebola virus.  Prevention alone is not long term solution to such attacks which might wipe away the human population from this earth. May Buddha Bless you all and live happy and long life ahead!

Mindu Wangdi

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