Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Black Magicians

The principle of Yin-Yang (Good & Bad)  rules this world. During my childhood days, my mother used to hide me from some strange and dangerous village people who can poison and do some black magic to kill me and family. The man with disabled left hand would visit my house and ask for some butter and food for his dogs at home and my mother has to give it immediately without any question in her mind. I was really innocent to understand such strange and harmful man which my mother used to share me after he left the scene. Indeed, he is a "black magician" who killed many village people, cattle and horses with his black magic if he is not granted what he wished from the owner. The village people are really afraid of this ugly man who would frequent the villages asking to give him as he wishes. No one can dare to deny his wishes, otherwise, that family will be in critical danger zone if done. This man will leave a word, "I will see you whether you can make up to few days on this earth". Such dreadful comments and torture did subdue everyone in the village. He acts like king in our village ordering to innocent people to provide his sustenance.  This man and his wife will never work in the field but ask from others and sustain on it. My father and mother used to feel such fear of this black magician. My late father was ill for more than one year due to this ugly man's black magic. He nearly killed my father with his black magic before we sort out with another black magician to backfire his wrath on my father and regained his health. He also killed many of our cattle and horses and pet dogs according to my mother's narration.

This black magician would always go for fishing in the river and once he got bitterly stoned by the village people near river bank. People in the village hate him so much and wanted to end him with any means so that our village have good people to trust and live in peacefully. The happiness of villagers are lost due to this black magicians presence as ghostly haunts. Villagers felt he is just like a dust in their eyes and wanted to clean out but the Black magicians never die early due to his hidden spirit power and support. To my surprise, this old man taught his black magic to many bad villager men and became his good followers by killing others. The bad people in the village started to flourish in my village since Buddha Dharma is rarely heard and practiced. The few dedicated practitioners are helping villagers with Buddhist ceremonies of death and rituals. Most of young men turn into black magician rather than good people. It is a sad trend developing in rural life setting. Indeed, the Yang (bad) people are winning the war against the Yin (good) and people wanted to leave their village forever and get settled in good community.

The readers may not believe in what I am saying if I have no support from other context. Having lived for more than one year, my adopted sister at Thailand shared me her own story of black magicians in Thailand. According her narration, her ex-husband is an dangerous man who possess black magic to destroy her life. She is a very dedicated women who meditates for many hours everyday in the temples. She said, her husband is doing black magic to control her and keep as his wife even after he got married with another lady. His ex- husband declared that 'you cannot go away from him" and she got struck in this dilemma. She feels pain at her back and sees someone stabbing on her during her dream. This is her husband who wants to destroy her but power of Buddha saved her from fatal death. She asked me "do you have any solutions for this black magic" which is mystery and beyond my thoughts. I am want to explore solutions to this cancerous attack of black magicians and save many lives.

Finally, some astrologers said that, I am also under the attacks from black magic since I have had an dispute over the land fragmentation in my village. Most of my relatives are unhappy about our land distributions happened few years ago.  It seems that they hired someone to do black magic on me to revenge. It was true indeed, as I was sick for more than one year at Bangkok even after long medication, my sickness could not get fixed and be normal. The dangerous dreams always haunts me signalling some danger behind the scene. Some people may not believe on this subject but it is still there in the community harming others and destruction are done every time. That is why Yin-Yang goes together and sometimes good forces are defeated by such evils people. Be mindful of such dangerous people living in the community every where in Bhutan and Thailand. 

Mindu Wangdi

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