Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Monk and Cigarettes

Life in Bangkok   is in-complete for me as a Buddhist by birth and die as die-hard Buddhist follower only until I get enlightened fully. If I don't visit temples and explore in-depth of their philosophical values embraced by society that was purely gifted from Lord Buddha to Thai people to have peace and harmonious life.

The Thai society have placed the highest respect for the monks residing in temples by paying their homage and receiving blessings every morning hours. Even the cold military man will refrain from harming or shooting at monks under any dire circumstances of conflicts. Since it is considered as the greatest sin to commit crime and harm to monks in Thai society and this value is embedded in every ones heart and purely upheld. The girl and women cannot even touch the monks saffrons for it will soil their celibacy and vows of the monks during an offer of alms too. If touched, the monks will have to undergo very rigorous purification process to retain its vows of celibacy and purity. I also noticed that women usually keep safe distance while talking and offering alms with monks. I salute for that and hope this culture will live for generations to come. The opposite is happening in Bhutanese monasteries where monks have girl friend and hidden wife and kids at home  to enjoy. This made me wander, how come,the same Buddhist monk could have two different ethics and etiquette?  Are our Bhutanese monks really upholding such pure celibacy or is already broken into pieces and just wearing the monk's dress to earn the livelihood and some respect from the Bhutanese society.

Sitting on the Chair under the cool shed of giant umbrella in front of the temple where the donation box is frequented by Thai people writing their names on the golden name plate with their wishes and prayers made for the success in life. What wish they seek from Lord Buddha is very mysterious to me as ordinary human being. My estimation could be; they did wish for family happiness, wealth, peace, prosperity and lottery winning. To me, such wishes are shortsighted and selfish intentions that does not fetch much merits in the long run.

To my surprise, sixty five years old, a retired single women, who was my humble guide in the temple declared, " Buddha did not give me any wishes as of now". Indeed it was the most frustrating voice ever she declared in front of me. I consoled her by quoting from Rigzin Jigme Lingpa "The true Buddhist practitioners/Yogi will never and ever wish in kind or benefits from Buddha and patrons". Such practitioners will receive the support of Gods and Goddess and mankind finally. Oh! With this words, she was really convinced and  she felt relief by placing her faith to Lord Buddha and never to break five precepts and try her best to meditate for the rest of her life. She was about to lose faith in Buddha indeed by hearing her frustrations yelled out to me. I, heard many such complaints from Thai friends during my conversation with them in the College leaving behind the Buddha forever. The people pray to Hindu Gods for winning lottery which is not the real Buddhist precept and doctrine. We human beings are looking for economic gain not for enlightenment to end our subtle suffering.

The Culture shock that I experienced in Bangkok is that monks smoke freely in the temple. In contrast, smoking by monks in Bhutan is strictly prohibited and is banned in the monasteries and Dzongs.  To quote one practical experience during my visit to temple; the senior and old monk would come out from his room and sit nearby me and talk with other caretakers in Thai. He would rarely utter an English word for me. But I am very happy to say to him that" I come from Bhutan" and he would raise his eye brow and gaze at me. Further, I would explain him by quoting our King's name" Jigme" and finally I would convince him that I am Bhutanese. With smile on his wrinkled face, he would open his cigarette cover and light one of them to satisfy his addiction for smoking. He would puff off the smokes in front of Buddha statue without any hesitations and guilt at his heart. I could see his eyes turning red  and starts coughing "Oh Oh Oh" after he inhales the smoke. I felt very sorry for him, as his lungs must have already gone black and blocked by the smokes. The fact of the matter is that, he is really addicted to these cigarettes and he would not live without it until and unless he is taken to rehabilitation center to quit smoking to live long life.

It is really disturbing and sad to see monks smoking freely instead of teaching other commoners to live happy and healthy life as the up holder of Buddha Dharma in such a wonderful country. The monks  represent always good and pure in the eyes of common people like me and Thai citizens. I have my full respect and obedience to their way of life but my trust breaks down when I see them cigarettes in their mouth dangling freely. Scientifically, smoking is injurious to our health. The second Buddha, Guru Rinpoche said that smoking hurts everyone nearby since it's is the product of evil forces. We have choice to live short-life or long life? No one can dictate someones life style, change should happen within ourselves and we can be the ruler or servant of our mind.

Mindu Wangdi

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