Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hunting for the "Blackbox"

The disappearance of Boeing 777 with its passengers on board  from the vast mid air into nowhere is still unresolved mystery looming around the world sending shocks and stress to all and creating hot news for everyone. The hunt for the plane's "Blackbox" is another daunting task that many Nations are carrying on by brushing through the Ocean beds and floating objects with help of advanced satellite images that we trust so much. Sometimes, scientific advancement really did not solve the human pains and sufferings; rather it added more on the end-users when it fails badly to answer our immediate needs and wants as we all dreamed to work perfectly. Such is the human intelligence that cannot bring any lasting solutions to end the human sufferings with business innovations of "Blue Oceans" strategy. Our own scientific creation has turn into Self-Destroyer as well. Anything that we create and innovate in the hope of getting comfort and happiness turns into destructive forces. The same thing happened with Boeing 777 that destroyed many lives on board after providing comfort and happiness for short duration. 
Did the human race  really understand the fact of Self-Destruction is increasing with nuclear war heads which will end the human race one day? It is sad to see that hunt for the plane's "Blackbox" is not achievable at all since the life of battery might end soon even if we break through. The main reason for hunting the "blackbox" or recorder is to solve the mystery of flight accidental cause and cool down the heated up relatives in China with strong proof and save from the legal battle sued by stakeholders. Moreover, the safety of planes will be planned accordingly in the future mishaps. The lessons will be used as the precautionary measures by the operators. Most of the blackboxes were recovered and solved the mystery behind as per the records.
In the same way, I am also hunting for "blackbox" known as "Enlightenment"  that was really possible for Lord Buddha to reach that highest level of achievement in his one life time. As compared to the search of Boeing 777 blackbox for the past three weeks; my search for the "truth" or "Enlightenment" has gone for several years with my available resources at hand. Still I am also hunting for this hidden object inside my body. In case of me, I am handicapped  and lagging behind  in search operations due to lack of scientific equipments and economical back up to reveal the truth to the world. It would be wonderful if someone can suggest me the top secret paths that I can walk on to reach that Blackbox known as Enlightenment. I knew that I lost my track and wandering for many generations in this hellish realms in different bodily forms depending on my merits and good deeds.
The msytery of Boeing 777 may be solved soon but my mystery of reaching the blackbox or Enlightenemnt may not be resolved at all by me. There is big question mark in my mind; Will Mr. Mindu Wangdi really achieve to find his own blackbox in this life? Or will he continue to wander in this hellish world to complete his cycle of pains and sufferings being born from his own bad deeds? My deep and sincere prayers are dedicated to all lost lives in different ways of death everyday. May all sentient beings find one day the real blackbox of self-truth known as "Enlightenment." and enjoy the Blissful state of life with out pain and sufferings forever.

Mindu Wangdi

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