Sunday, March 2, 2014

The power of smile.

The power of smile.

It was wonderful and memorable event to recollect  in my life for a brief stay with you my mysterious  damsel with your blazing smile and gentle hugs. You left huge imprint in my mind to think that you were the best and wonderful girl ever I met in my life with the gift of kind heart and love that is unconditional you can shower to the sentient beings like female Buddha Green Tara did. The real qualities of Green Tara is in your innate heart and mind to be shared to such a ugly man like me who is wandering in this Samsara for many generations for I did lose the track to my original home.

The moments of our stay was like a dream state which suddenly ended up with a pain and agony to depart away forever due to the forces of karmic wind and fate. The truth of life is we cannot control the karmic wind or fate. It brought us  together just for few months  supposed to be fleeting and momentarily happiness. The happiness and lovely atmosphere that you provided me for that fleeting hours were just unexpected and mind blowing. The deep and resounding memories were left out so that I can shed my tears when recollected in times of sadness, worries, happiness, pain and sufferings. It rather adds salt to my wounds. The blazing, enchanting smile and kiss that you offered me were the loads that I carry on at my deep heart to be fleshed out time to time for rejoicing with sufferings. 

Oh! The mystery of karmic wind or fate is something that I could not understand at all. The more I dig on, you seems to be as deep as an ocean and as vast as sky expanses. The power of your control on my life was magical and beyond my understanding. You separated my darling from my soul and hand it over to someones else to be his partner in front of my eyes. How painful it was when the rejection comes from your trusted and beloved ones being forced by the karmic wind or fate. With deep sadness and low mood, I crouched in the corner of life when the best person is gone forever that I may not see her again with her smile. The hope and expectations in life is crushed and nullified. The world looked so dark and blacked out when she is gone. Left wit tears and sobbing, wandering around the forests in the hope of consolations never to be heard.

The life is crippled when things does not work as we wished to and  followed by alcoholic consumption as a depressant. The truth of playing love game is another form of pain that Lord Buddha taught us to refrain from but which we all cannot avoid. Since, the karmic wind will blow from so far and near places to stage our brief love show to the world. It might bring me some sought of relief and satisfactions when I recollect at my old age or will that be taken as a lesson by the coming youths to be careful of such incidents which is very harmful to our life and it derails our career tracks. May the universal lovers know the facts of life and ill effects of the love game. It is my pleasure to all youths of the world, not to take love game seriously when things does not work at all. Just let it go away as it is and accept new ones as provided by the karmic wind or fate. That is your true and faithful lover or life partner who can benefit us truly and try to live compromising life. Life is full of compromises and sacrifices if we want to succeed. Participate it and drink the taste of love rejections and acceptances for fun.

Written by: Mindu Wangdi

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