Friday, March 21, 2014

The Night Club

On the evening of 21 March 2014; I did join the night Club at Ekamai, Bangkok with my Soft Skills Development group members at 9.30 PM. The main reason for joining this first and last night club was to make movies and interview about myself by our group friends for our soft skills development project to be presented soon in the class. We want to be different and remain quite mysterious always as dreamed by our group members. Moreover, I want to move away from my "comfort Zone" and discover the blue oceans of life on this earth to understand the daily party goers mentality and intentions for spending whole night rocking their body and mind with drinks and thundering musics blown out inside the hall.

Having reached the club house, the guards asked for my identity card to check my minimum age to join the club.  I did show my University card (CMMU Card) and they instantly rejected my entry for it does not speak of my age. Then I showed my driving license after long search in inside the  pocket. Vow! Then they gave me now seal on my right hand and the gate is opened for the club for me. I was just wandering, what are possible reasons  for they go at this gathering that lasts so long with noisy music, drinks, smoking and lighting systems that rock the halls in different colors. Even my hand bag was brushed, searched and monitored by the security personnel for they feel typical guest or customer that I am joining their clubs today. The other friends were let easily go in for they are the daily customers and familiar faces without much check ups like me. Somehow, I could pass the security gate and went inside the club house and welcomed by our teams with soft drinks.

Watching, hearing and observing carefully the dances being rocked by our friends with the fast rhythm musics played by the organizer. I did join the herd shaking my body and hands which I never did in my life with our cameras on for movie clips. The room looks so dark and scary like cremation ground where dead souls are dancing wildly with dim lights and candles on the tables. Everyone is dressed in sexy, fancy  and 95% naked looks with protruding breasts from thin breast cover. That was another experience which I could gain from the generation Y friends at night club. Some are hanging out with their best lovers and companions and room mates. These days, the girls will never say/ declare he is my boy friend or husband  but as a room mate or business partner. The human beings are changing constantly and surrounding too adapts accordingly. 

We need to understand the mind set of highly educated ladies of this twenty first century. They don't want men as their husband with traditional marriages being involved but just as a temporary bed mate or business partners. Moreover, they do not want to have any babies between but temporary services of satisfying sexual urge only with precautions being taken. This is indeed bad news for the single man who wants to have hands with these modern ladies.  Same case might apply even to some modern men who feels marriage and having kids are burdensome and monotonous way of life. Just need for temporary bed mate only. This  is another dangerous trend for that could hamper the generation success in the long run. The world is filled with aged people only now who are unproductive soon. The whole world might reach a danger zone of no supply of the productive youths to replace this generations if no marriages are happening for economic growth and Human Resource development. 

The night club is another form of business model with differentiated market segment  for the generation Y youths and some generation X person like me particularly to cope up with. These clubs are making lots of money every night by imposing the heavy fees ranging from 500 Bahts and above per event. The another reason why our youths visit night club is that they are looking for "Happiness" "Joyous moments" inside the club after long hours of work in their offices. The tensions of job burnout is released here with rocking musics and shaking their body after few dips of wine and beer. They forget everything here freedom is gained. They get short duration of "Happiness" that they long for from elsewhere. But does this temporary Happiness and Joyous moment last for how long?

No way; it is just for that night hours. We are back to same suffering of pain, workload, emotions, rejections, frustrations, anger, jealousy and wrathful until and unless we are fully enlightened from this realms of life. The happiness and joy that we get from this night club is like "licking the sugar coated knife" which might cut our tongue if we are not that careful. one day and pose danger to our life. In the same, we are wasting our hard earned money, energy and precious life for short happiness provided by the night clubs. We need to Self-discover our "True Happiness" inside our hearts and mind but not in the bar clubs without paying any fees.

I would like to urge our youths to understand oneself to get the perfect "happiness" that does not change forever like the night clubs provide us. This is most expensive way of earning and buying happiness from the clubs that last for short duration and bounds back to same circle of pain and sufferings. Know the fact and learn to live with facts. We will be happy always without rocking our body with musics and wine.

By-Mindu Wangdi

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