Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Love Never Dies!

The word "love" is becoming a buzzing word in the ears of modern people. It is a great game and fun. I could be wrong to say that someone is dead in the affairs of love and romance at old age. It is never true. I know she was already divorced from her ex-husband and lived a life of single for many years dreaming to have golden hands to tie the love knot at any time. That really did not happen for several years in her life. Indeed she was praying for that charming moments in her aging life. The age is never an obstacle to love affairs. As Bhutanese people are fond of saying that " Without an expectation the rain came from the sky". This did happen to her recently. I know she is by now with gray hair and down the line in terms of age and physical look. But the hunt for love and game is never died from her heart and dreaming high to have Utopian love affairs as her final destination.  

Recently she met with a divorced man who is much younger and did approach her to share her dreams to be with him for the rest of life. Vow! It was another big shower from the unexpected blue clear sky. How many hours she talks with her new boyfriend is another difficult job to declare here. But she is always on phone talk, line and Facebook with her new boyfriend as new life yet to begin and wants to explore further deeply and groom it correctly. I know she failed her love and marriage badly earlier but she is never fed up with such crazy dreams of Utopian love which is un-achievable and never reached perfection as we dreamed.  As Lord Buddha said "Love is Pain and emotional feelings too is suffering". She did not understand that love is pain and suffering indeed but make it fun and crazy dream which might backfire one day as happened earlier in her life. She indeed is very kind and understanding women but succumbs into such pain and agony of love affairs at such gray age. 

But I wished her very successful love affairs ahead with engagement ring on her finger from his boyfriend one day and live rest of life with showers of love and reflections of perfect life. We know many of us failed in the matter of perfect married life but manages to push ahead with adjustments from different angles. Hope she can adjust well hereafter and make this short life a joyous moment and say Bye with smiles on her face when her death bell rings. How much troubles and pain she underwent is immeasurable as single life without any one look after. I as poor and helpless person could not help her but just to say few kind words as consolation note to keep on fighting with life when her financial stability goes critically low. No one could have understood her status better than me as strong observer and friend. Hope she will have wonderful life ahead with her new boyfriend and enjoying the holiday in the beach areas. It was my silent wish and prayer that recited for her during my prayer sessions to have good husband in her life and live happy and successful life which finally did actualized with her and she is now making it happened fully. My simple prayer was replied and came true.

My heart bleeds when someone suffers in pain, tearful and loneliness. I have learned to live with difficult times and lonely life even during sickness and hardship with financial stress as student life. It was another battle that I won from all hard times at Bangkok. I know I am flying back to my homeland soon and breath the clean air of Thunder Dragon. I would like to dedicate this article to my only best friend and wish her long and happy life ahead! Life is short but death is certain. In this matter, we may not meet after my departure to Bhutan but my best wishes and prayers are always with you. Push the life ahead and learn to live alone instead of having wrong friend!

Mindu Wangdi

Monday, May 25, 2015

When he will start?

We are indeed very good facebook friend who used to chat for long hours on various topics encompassing different aspects of life. I know he is smart at his heart and mind with his writing spirits and he lives with such zeal at his heart forever. He reads many books and sharpens his writing skills and vocabulary volume. The way he expresses in the chat is sometimes beyond my capacity to grasp and digest it due to my poor brain capacity and as a poor reader even though I am a literature graduate from Sherubtse College, kanglung in the year December 2014. I always salute him for his constant writing and blogging tirelessly to his appease his audiences round the world.

During our chat we used to share our common interest on practicing Buddha Dharma to end our suffering from hellish six realms which constantly tortures us. Vow! It was such amazing thing to hear from my friend that he wants to start his Ngondro practice after he identified one root master available at his local village. It was my duty to give him moral support to push his mission ahead which is indeed not that easy job as we dreamed. I did my job by throwing lot of talks on the importance of having do to with preliminary practices before we step into the real meditation hunt for the enlightenment as ultimate goal which was taught by lord Buddha. He did promise me to kick off soon. Many months passed b; I began to follow up with his words and promise but he failed to kick off with his important mission to start the Ngondro practices till date. Life is short and death is certain but my friend still wants to hang on with suffering and pain. 

The drag from the five poisons really immersed him to wait and see when he should find proper date to kick off his preliminary practices that he wants to pursue ahead. How wonderful it was to discover that my friend shifted his faith and trust from earlier master and still hanging in the limbo state to finalize his faith to someone else. It was indeed like that my friend is one of the best football player who can choose to join the best clubs to earn huge sum of money. There are many master available nearby but the faith and trust that place upon is wavering and shaky. In Tantric Buddhism, faith and trust is the innermost substance that can lead to realization of our own mind into Buddha. But he failed to keep that spirit once he placed on his earlier master.  Now he said no one is able to meet his "billing point" or expectations as a local master. It shows that he is hunting for very famous and top master round the world to lead him ahead. But if we don't have faith and trust, it is of no use in having very famous and top brand master as our root teacher. Everything boils down to our "genuine faith and trust" as tantric practitioner. Seeing everything from the perspective of intelligent thinking and critical way is just waste of life. As we cannot reach a level of unteachable and beyond mental process. Teachable things does not help us to reach the way of Buddha-hood but only unteachable can. 

Indeed, it was such heart rending to discover from his latest chat that he shifted his faith and trust once he placed on and still ruminating to find one elsewhere. This another blow to his mission to find the ultimate goal with wavering and shaky faith and trust to master which is very dangerous mind set. With little hope I suggested him some few reputed masters to visit during our recent chat in the facebook but he may not reach his final decision to approach them. As he got critical mind and which is sometimes misleading him to wrong directions. Too much critical and judging is very dangerous and harmful to our life. Since we cannot build genuine faith and trust which is core components of Tantric practitioners. Throwing perspective judgments are another obstacles our real practices. Sometimes, we should be closing our mind and eyes to find wisdom in another person's mind even if he looks shabby and lousy master. 

Hoping so high while write this article to kill away the critical minds of modern people and wasting their lives in finding mistakes in other person whereby ones own mistakes are hidden completely and deluded further. Buddhism is to dig out ones own mistakes and clean off our defilement but not to criticize other person and cook unnecessary stories and blow away in the wind. Knowing oneself is the ultimate goal of Buddhism. Scientific discovery can reach up to testable or teachable but not the unteachable which is ultimate goal. Hope my friend will learn something from my writing and cement his faith and trust before he visit his new master elsewhere in the pursuit of enlightenment!

Mindu Wangdi 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Re-Union of Gomdarpas !

In the olden days, our forefathers used to gather for the annual local festival conducted at Pirung Lhakhang which is located at top of the hills that facing the Naning Phug (Melong Brak). I as a small boy used to follow always with my beloved mother & late father to enjoy the joyous day at the temple with mask dances conducted by our villagers. Such event brings all villagers together with laughter in their face with their best costumes worn and packed lunch at their backs. The local wine (Ara or Sinchang)  is another precious liquid people will carry with them for the day. We all will be sinking with the wine  by the evening hours and some will never make their trip back home and spend their night nearby  bushes. Those golden days are gone for me after I was sent to school to better up my life. 

And today, I could never dream to reach my village to attend those festivals which is still practiced with few attendees and less charm. Such loss and gap could be applied to all my fellow Gomdarpas who are living in different parts of the country to earn their livelihoods as office goers and business men/women. And this loss too is felt by the fellow people back in the village as the, educated  lots, young and energetic Gomdarpas have already migrated to big cities to earn their lives. Some studies have shown that rural-urban migration is huge problem for Gomdar Gewog leaving behind many empty households and aged citizens to guard their fellow lands. It is the modern trend which our government could never find solutions to apply to the sickness namely rural-urban migration and will continue to do so. Therefore, I am also one of the migrants from Gomdar, Khoyar trying best to earn my life at Thimphu city. We, educated Gomdarpas, are scattered by the forces of our own Karma which is unavoidable and non-stoppable by individuals. 

Nothing is going to remain as mystery forever, on the whereabouts of Gomdarpa brothers, sister, uncle, aunt,  nephews and niece's stay and jobs they do. With the help of modern gadgets supported by 3G network services throughout Bhutan. Even though, I am living in 8th largest metropolitan city in Bangkok doing my master degree in Leadership & Human Resource Management. One of my Gomdarpa facebook friends sent me a friend request to join the Gomdarpa United in the Wechat which I did accept with happy face. How wonderful it was to hear their voices and photos posted in the wechat. The most interesting thing happened in the group was administrative set up which was headed by Gomdarpa United's Gup, Mangmi, Tshogpa, Chipon appointed by the majority that completes the shadow Gomdar Gewog administration formed by the civil servants, corporate workers and private business men/women. No sooner did I join the group, the majority of Gomdarpas appointed me as the Gewog Administrative Officer of the group which I accepted with gratitude and happiness. 

In this group, any new joiners should introduce themselves to make clear of their family background, village name and current job. Nevertheless, the group's thumb rule is that we cannot address by positions that we hold in the current job but we should address our fellow people by relations that we are bounded back in the village. For instances, our Mangmi is by relation, (Ri in sharchop)  I should address him as my son and Chupon as my nephew. Vow! It was another difficult time for me to fix the relationship bonded from our forefathers family to the new comers. By now, I got my son, daughter, niece and nephew and list goes on when I address them in the Wechat.

It was another forum for Gomdarpas to entertain with our melodies they sung. It was interesting to learn that many of them are good singers and orators with their seasoned talks. We share our happiness and sadness in this forum to release out like gusting fountain. We all update our status in the group and plan for the games and sport events for the weekends. This is another shadow village of Gomdar consisting of more than forty people. 

But sad to notice, some participants are dormant and never want to open their hearts, signaling their privacy is bridged or quit the group permanently leaving us sad. Nevertheless, the Gomdarpa United is going to stand forever with highly educated people and hoping to see many new comers peeping in with open hearts and minds to share their love, melodies, compassion, happiness and sadness in the forum. We all sing the happy songs together and sad songs too. I would like to wish all the best of luck and everlasting happiness to the Gomdarpa United family members. May you all live long life and prosperous family in times to come.

Mindu Wangdi

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The faithful Pet Dog

On 12th December 2014, seeping spy wine to kill off my extreme boredom at V.M Mansion. I was joined by my Thai brother and sister to for a drink and chat for the night hours. With his bald and barren head dazzling  with light, brother shared me very sad story of his faithful pet dog that he adopted at his house long time ago. It was tough time for him to find the seller of that pet which he searched in Google but finally he  could get the contact point of the dealers. He ranged with happy mood to see his lucky pet who will join as the new family member. Reaching the owner's house brought him great delight and happiness for he was able to get reunion with his past life parent "would be pet"  as Buddhist always belief and stress on. Paying the exact amount that the owner demanded and came with his favorite pet to have fun and joy by providing love and care that we all expect from our owner. 

Showering with great love and care to his new family member and time went by without any notice. One day, the poisonous snake visited his house and the faithful pet could bark and chase away the snake who would bite the family members. The danger from the external source was firstly noticed and sensed by their pet dog and family members never sense such life-threatening snake came into their room while they dine at table. Indeed, the snake was really frequenting their house every night from no where and the faithful pet dog did his duty to chase away by barking loudly. The family members could join him to drive away that snake or the black Naga who could kill them by just a bite.

Oh! This snake came again to their room as a ritualistic visit. They did not give much damn to it but that was a significant bad omen for the family. That night, the faithful pet dog tried his best to chase away the deadly poisonous snake as ritualistic duty. It was very unlucky duty for the pet dog which got bitten by that deadly snake on his nose. They rushed him to the hospital immediately, but very sadly, it was declared as curfew on that night and moreover the traffic in Bangkok is horrible. The pet dog's life was getting shorter and shorter every minutes with attack from poison injected by snake bite. Finally, they could not save this faithful pet dog from this deadly attack of poison and passed away on the lap of my brother. Reaching the story at this juncture, his eyes were dripping with tears and emotionally broke down. How sad it was listening to such great sacrifice that pet dog made for other family members who could have dead if he was not in the family. With broken-heart it was buried under the soil and he could not think of buying any new pet hereafter for it was such a pain and great loss in his life. 

We Bhutanese people always say that "Dogs are faithful animals than cats". This story proved  by this sad sacrifice of faithful pet dog who saved the lives of owners. If he was not in that house as pet, one of their family members could have died out of snake bite and traffic congestion. Therefore, I dedicate all my small collection of merits to this pet dog who was supposed to be Buddha in dog form came to save my brother's family members.  I also share the pain and loss of such faithful and good pet of my brother indeed.  We should be always kind to our animals and save them from mass killing.  May the peace and happiness prevail on this earth with harmony an love. May the obstacles of human and animals be reduced and waive off by the power of Guru Rinpoche.

Mindu Wangdi

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Full of Surprises!

My stay in Bangkok is now eighteen months when the December is over and out. Reflecting back  from the beginning of my arrival to pursue my master degree in Leadership and Human Resource management at College of Management Mahidol University. During the course of my educational journey at Thailand, I saw many surprising events, people and culture around me that makes me feel uncomfortable to live and move on to achieve my dream to earn my master degree as another milestone in my life. As old saying goes" life is journey, travel it", indeed I traveled alone in the land of smile and smile sometimes is cruel and hurtful. Smile in Thai culture can be sometimes interpreted as hatred towards us and rejection from their heart or group. The smiling and nodding of their head is enough to say that he/she avoid your contact and never want to be friend.Such events are another unforgettable memory that I carry back to Bhutan from Thailand as culture surprise. 

Photo Courtesy- Google  
It was amazing to meet many foreigners as exchange students from France, US, Germany in different classes that we have on particular semester, who are open minded people and want to interact freely with me. It was great to meet such friends in the group for every semester where I enjoyed chatting, sharing our cultural differences and perception of values in life. What I value most is invaluable for foreigners and their values seems meaningless to my heart and mind either.  It was incredible to encounter such blue-eyed people who can talk openly of their Thai girlfriends and lovers that they used and kick-out like clothes after their studies are over and out. The Thai girls will accept any type of foreigners, who, sometimes look physically terrible and shabby man. The value Thai girls hunt for is money not the love from such shapeless men who destroys their beauty and charm. It is interesting to observe that, the Thai girls never give damn and smile to Asian men, like me who got no money  to spend for her enjoyment unlike foreigners do possess. However, Thai girls even don't want Thai men either to be their boyfriend/husband for their "butterfly nature" which the ladies hate ever since. Such is the trend developing and is moving fast in Thailand. 

Roaming in the street in midnight, brings me another experience where I can see many sexy girls out on their nigh duty. They would approach me and request to take me home which makes me feel nervous and blush in the crowds and I would say, no please! It is not the nurse attending their night shift duty in hospital  but these girls are attending the men for selling their bodies at younger age to earn money as easy means of earning life. I saw many foreigners, Bhutanese  and Thai men chose from the crowd of selling girls for their bed-partner with negotiation for the price for one go. Sad to see that many girls turned their bodies  as commodity to be sold out for money. She already lost her dignity in society for sake of making easy money. It is nothing to be shocked, even some men land up picking the lady-boy as bed partner as he cannot differentiate between the true girl or lady-boy in midnight. The men get crazy in his room when he sees similar phallus from the lady-boy. The money is paid already, nothing he can do, but end up without action and try to send away that lady-boy where his sexual desire is unfulfilled, frustrated and other friends will make fun of his coincidences. Such are typical surprises that I saw during my stay at Thailand. I cannot forget such events that are recorded in my low GB memory shelf. 

One of my Thai lady friend said I am both female and male in one. Indeed, she was born as lady but she want be transgender. So, how should address she or he?  I was in big dilemma when she said that to me. With the help of scientific research, the ladies can become men and men can turn into women after surgery and transplantation of the organs. It is crossing beyond the nature of human norms and definitions. Therefore, we really cannot say, that girl or boy after attending their maturity of age. There is every risk, boy will turn into lady-boy or transgender. It was such crazy things I encountered and made me numbed and speechless. We human beings don't like to be what we are but want to act very strange and different from all. Such ideas are spreading even far to such small country like Bhutan, where there are gays and lesbians who are proud to come out in public. It is another surprising trend in modern workforce where Human Resource Managers need to handle with care in designing their company toilets for such diversity of workforce available in different countries. 

Another interesting observation that I made during my stay in Thailand was that gay hates ladies deeply and ladies felt as threat to their sex-business when the gay population increases. These gay and lady-boy enter into their business and their market share is stolen. How come, every where there is business and strategies applied even in such disgusting place of sex- business. It is becoming the most lucrative business to earn easy money and forgo the fame and dignity. There is endless encounters which are already deleted from my low GB memory where one Bhutanese women commented as "Tube light". It means, my memory takes so long to read through the data that are piled up for longer duration. How critical she was in analyzing my low GB memory that she hates deeply indeed. Nevertheless, I am happy to receive many bold criticisms from my friends so that I learn and improve in my life after I say Goodbye to Thailand and CMMU family! It is my request to readers not take it seriously but just have fun with my shameless thoughts that I cannot hide anymore in my thin memory card.

Mindu Wangdi

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Farewell 987 Souls!

The boredom and loneliness piles on me after I am done away with my breakfast swiftly slipping into my stomach. What is my next agenda for the day is the haunting, ghostly question, which I have to find solution immediately. The self- motivation to study is already dead and gone from my mind and heart, but thinking how to kill my free time alone in the room. The immediate solution for my free time is to fly away to temple and earn some merits and dedicate to all the mankind for peace and prosperity on this earth. This motivation is generated from the deepest of my heart with zeal  and trust to Lord Buddha where no one did push me to go unwillingly. The natural willingness is always invoked in my heart and mind to visit temple for countless times.  Hanging on my small bag containing my pocket and mobile phone, I would ride on the scooter to reach me nearby the fly-over bridge. 

My eyes could capture what people are doing in the morning street life during my walk towards the temple. I can see meat, fish, chicken vendors cutting their products with loud noise to attract the customers to their shops. The street cooking business is another beautiful scene I can enjoy with varieties of foods and curry packed in the plastics. The display of fruits, clothes and books along the way is normal busy market day. The beggar with one leg is lying flat on the road holding a plate so that kind people could donate him some food and coins. Women with her small kid on her lap too sits nearby the road with plates on her hand, symbolizing begging time for meals. My eyes could scan some beautiful ladies along the street too as another amazing events to remember. 

Having entered the shop where I could buy small bottle of cooking oil for butter lamp to be offered in the temple, whereby, the shopper could immediately pick up two bottles of oil and rush off after making payment and continue next shop to buy garland and incense sticks where an old lady with Indian musics played on her tape makes me feel as if I am at Bodh Gaya street to visit Lord Buddha. With those items I moved towards the temple to make my sincere payers and lay man wishes.  It is normal thing to see my old friends in the temple and say "Swadi Khap" folding my hands as Thai culture. 

My little offerings are made to Lord Buddha and merits that I could earn is dedicated to all sentient beings without expectations in my mind. The sun oust side the temple is beating so hard on my head and hunt to shed rest. Luckily, the big temple's ground floor door is open today for some death ritual purpose. I have an golden opportunity to enter inside  and saw many name plates with photos of those death people pasted on the walls. The flowers are hung on the frame as an offer to their beloved ones who left them sadly. Gazing at different photos of old man, women, lady, men and kids send back chilling effect on my backbones. Indeed, I have no connection with these death people personally but I felt as if all are my parents and friends who are looking at me with their sad heart and gloomy eyes who need merits to pull from sinking under the mud" Hellish realms".

I was counting the numbers of name plates pasted on the temple wall and it ends with 987 after making one round. This indicates, 987 people died and were burnt in this small temple and their ashes and names are inscribed on the cement plates as the last memory of human life live in Thailand. I could see even Chinese faces among the  death people. Death indeed has occurred to all across the ages. Since the images are all mixed of old, young and pretty girls indicating death has no partiality but differ on schedules.  I realized that I was looking at the dead-end of human life where we work hard to earn money, fame, power, position, love and sex forgetting that we are here on this earth for  the great  mission to get enlightenment as human being. 

I was wandering, what did these  987 souls could have taken with them after hoarding lots of money in the banks and shares in the stock markets for whole life. Now they are gone and bidden farewell with just small name plate and garland on it. How pathetic is our human life that we all applaud as success and achievement as Scientists, Engineers, Doctors, Executives, Managers and Educationist that all goes naked from this world and wander in the intermediate state "Bardo" without direction and guidance for billions of years. Tears roll down my checks feeling very sad while I see their faces printed out just in "black and white" color only. It means, you are gone and no more human being. You, 987 have lost your brightness, life, beauty and power on this earth but back to poor state of lonely journey that you travel with terror and fears.

Nevertheless, you, 987 taught me very good lesson on the impermanence and death as truth that we all should accept with happy face. I know one day or other will follow your foot step and may not even have my own name plate inside the temple for sure I can predict my predicament. It would also serve as great teaching to other fellow beings who clings so much to their bodies and power. Just a glimpse of you 987 souls can change the mind of the deadly non-believer on Buddha Dharma could convert and follow the right path. I as lay man, would like to dedicate all my tiny merits to 987 souls and may you all attain the land of pureness and shower me with your love, compassion and blessings to achieve my dreams and wishes to spread Buddha Dharma on this earth.  May I become great human being who can dispel the sufferings of the sentient beings.

Mindu Wangdi

Sunday, November 2, 2014

"Love" The Powerful Bait

The "Divine Mad Man" who is popularly known as Lam Drukpa Kuenlay in Bhutan declared the mass  crowd in Tibet during 15th Century stating that "The Karmapa has lost his mind discipline now" by falling love to a beautiful lady present during the ceremony of  empowerment seating at the highest level of throne offered by the devotees. What if such greatly revered master Karmapa (future Buddha)  even became the pray of "love" for a short while and lost his pureness  and discipline of pure monk life. The "Divine Mad Man" could read the mind or current of thoughts generated in His Holiness  Karmapa at an instant through his Yogic power and wisdom eyes. It was happily accepted by His Holiness Karmapa and requested Yogi to compose some poems on this event which came to be known as "Mani Na Chung Ma" This is just an historical depiction of love for charming ladies and its bait that every being falls into and die unwanted death. Everyone of us are swimming in the oceans of "cheating love" and end up with suffering and pain that follows like a shadow aftermath.

The whales, dolphins and fishes in the ocean has to die when a cheating colorful bait is eaten as food but got hooked and fished out by the cruel fishermen for selling their meat and skin to make more money. It is our attachment for such beautiful object like bait "love" and trusting it blindly brings us the disaster and destruction. Indeed, I am haunted by many dead lovers in my dreams with their sad stories and need solutions and help from me for it. They do visit me during my dreams and share their stories of love and sex that occurred before they get into troubled and killed each other as an end game. 

The game is not still over even they killed each other and become formless. It seems they are meet even in the intermediate (Bardo) state and continue their revenge on each other and vicious circle never ends. What a sad lesson to learn from them and made me cautious of my emotional breakdowns and risking of such events in the future. It could refresh all my past failed love affair memories during my schooling period that are not happy to recollect and rejoice and future looks so gloomy in the field of married "love and Life". Love is always accompanied by cheating and mistrust that boils us to highest level of stress and pain at heart. This "love affair" is the most complicated subject ever I dealt with for many years with little options available in it. It slowly dries up your lifeblood and everything  gets mess up after few years of relationship and living together.

One beautiful lady complaint to me that she was murdered by her boy friend in my routine dreams. She wants some help from me in this matter to end her game for bad revenge on her lover. She is still looking for ways to hurt and murder her boy friend who is alive and enjoying with other damsels. Therefore, she feel very jealous and sad even if the ex-boy friend may not see it. The jealousy in her mind and soul is burning like fire and she wants to razed her man to the ground. This very risky game of love that we human beings play and try to find some craziness in it. To support my dream as truth; one of the foreigner guys did kill Thai his girl friend by throwing her from the fifth floor balcony of V.M Mansion several year back was shared by our manager as reliable source. How sad it was to hear such story, that women ends up at hands of man in course of making money  and life from strange foreigners in Thailand. That man was hunt down by the police and sent jail for human murder case.

As a gesture of help to this dead lover girl, I visited the temple nearby to light butter lamp, incense stick and garland to Buddha and dedicate all merits to this unknown and strange women who haunts me in my dreams. It was really a magic that worked; this lady did not come to my dreams again and throw her frustration and suffering constantly. She could have already reached the land of thousand Buddhas or heavenly Gods by the power of Lord Buddha and little merit that I gave her through my simple process even my pocket is running dry every time as a student life in Thailand. This is how I have to help her and request her to forget and forgive her boy friend rather than looking for chance to revenge on him by waiting in the intermediate state.  

Through this experience, I could conclude that we human beings are "Hooked in the bait of love and sex" without any limit and which can turn into nightmarish event by murdering each other at certain point of hatred being developed. The love last for only for three days after marriage or engagement ceremony and vanes like the full moon into half and completely black night. The hatred for each other will rule on and plan for murder and separation comes like thunder dragon. Love and affairs are dangerous game that we human beings play which can turn into poison one day and it never works as we wished for but frustrates more and leads to many unwanted events of suicide and murder each other. Therefore, we should have some limit on playing such life risking game of Love and marriages  and make our life more meaningful by practicing Buddha Dharma which is the only true friend that accompanies us after we die and walks alone in the hellish realms. I would like to request  to all youths and adults not to get addicted to "Love Game". If it does not work, don't push but leave it behind and enjoy alone with the Nature!!!!

Mindu Wangdi