Sunday, November 2, 2014

"Love" The Powerful Bait

The "Divine Mad Man" who is popularly known as Lam Drukpa Kuenlay in Bhutan declared the mass  crowd in Tibet during 15th Century stating that "The Karmapa has lost his mind discipline now" by falling love to a beautiful lady present during the ceremony of  empowerment seating at the highest level of throne offered by the devotees. What if such greatly revered master Karmapa (future Buddha)  even became the pray of "love" for a short while and lost his pureness  and discipline of pure monk life. The "Divine Mad Man" could read the mind or current of thoughts generated in His Holiness  Karmapa at an instant through his Yogic power and wisdom eyes. It was happily accepted by His Holiness Karmapa and requested Yogi to compose some poems on this event which came to be known as "Mani Na Chung Ma" This is just an historical depiction of love for charming ladies and its bait that every being falls into and die unwanted death. Everyone of us are swimming in the oceans of "cheating love" and end up with suffering and pain that follows like a shadow aftermath.

The whales, dolphins and fishes in the ocean has to die when a cheating colorful bait is eaten as food but got hooked and fished out by the cruel fishermen for selling their meat and skin to make more money. It is our attachment for such beautiful object like bait "love" and trusting it blindly brings us the disaster and destruction. Indeed, I am haunted by many dead lovers in my dreams with their sad stories and need solutions and help from me for it. They do visit me during my dreams and share their stories of love and sex that occurred before they get into troubled and killed each other as an end game. 

The game is not still over even they killed each other and become formless. It seems they are meet even in the intermediate (Bardo) state and continue their revenge on each other and vicious circle never ends. What a sad lesson to learn from them and made me cautious of my emotional breakdowns and risking of such events in the future. It could refresh all my past failed love affair memories during my schooling period that are not happy to recollect and rejoice and future looks so gloomy in the field of married "love and Life". Love is always accompanied by cheating and mistrust that boils us to highest level of stress and pain at heart. This "love affair" is the most complicated subject ever I dealt with for many years with little options available in it. It slowly dries up your lifeblood and everything  gets mess up after few years of relationship and living together.

One beautiful lady complaint to me that she was murdered by her boy friend in my routine dreams. She wants some help from me in this matter to end her game for bad revenge on her lover. She is still looking for ways to hurt and murder her boy friend who is alive and enjoying with other damsels. Therefore, she feel very jealous and sad even if the ex-boy friend may not see it. The jealousy in her mind and soul is burning like fire and she wants to razed her man to the ground. This very risky game of love that we human beings play and try to find some craziness in it. To support my dream as truth; one of the foreigner guys did kill Thai his girl friend by throwing her from the fifth floor balcony of V.M Mansion several year back was shared by our manager as reliable source. How sad it was to hear such story, that women ends up at hands of man in course of making money  and life from strange foreigners in Thailand. That man was hunt down by the police and sent jail for human murder case.

As a gesture of help to this dead lover girl, I visited the temple nearby to light butter lamp, incense stick and garland to Buddha and dedicate all merits to this unknown and strange women who haunts me in my dreams. It was really a magic that worked; this lady did not come to my dreams again and throw her frustration and suffering constantly. She could have already reached the land of thousand Buddhas or heavenly Gods by the power of Lord Buddha and little merit that I gave her through my simple process even my pocket is running dry every time as a student life in Thailand. This is how I have to help her and request her to forget and forgive her boy friend rather than looking for chance to revenge on him by waiting in the intermediate state.  

Through this experience, I could conclude that we human beings are "Hooked in the bait of love and sex" without any limit and which can turn into nightmarish event by murdering each other at certain point of hatred being developed. The love last for only for three days after marriage or engagement ceremony and vanes like the full moon into half and completely black night. The hatred for each other will rule on and plan for murder and separation comes like thunder dragon. Love and affairs are dangerous game that we human beings play which can turn into poison one day and it never works as we wished for but frustrates more and leads to many unwanted events of suicide and murder each other. Therefore, we should have some limit on playing such life risking game of Love and marriages  and make our life more meaningful by practicing Buddha Dharma which is the only true friend that accompanies us after we die and walks alone in the hellish realms. I would like to request  to all youths and adults not to get addicted to "Love Game". If it does not work, don't push but leave it behind and enjoy alone with the Nature!!!!

Mindu Wangdi

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