Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Love Never Dies!

The word "love" is becoming a buzzing word in the ears of modern people. It is a great game and fun. I could be wrong to say that someone is dead in the affairs of love and romance at old age. It is never true. I know she was already divorced from her ex-husband and lived a life of single for many years dreaming to have golden hands to tie the love knot at any time. That really did not happen for several years in her life. Indeed she was praying for that charming moments in her aging life. The age is never an obstacle to love affairs. As Bhutanese people are fond of saying that " Without an expectation the rain came from the sky". This did happen to her recently. I know she is by now with gray hair and down the line in terms of age and physical look. But the hunt for love and game is never died from her heart and dreaming high to have Utopian love affairs as her final destination.  

Recently she met with a divorced man who is much younger and did approach her to share her dreams to be with him for the rest of life. Vow! It was another big shower from the unexpected blue clear sky. How many hours she talks with her new boyfriend is another difficult job to declare here. But she is always on phone talk, line and Facebook with her new boyfriend as new life yet to begin and wants to explore further deeply and groom it correctly. I know she failed her love and marriage badly earlier but she is never fed up with such crazy dreams of Utopian love which is un-achievable and never reached perfection as we dreamed.  As Lord Buddha said "Love is Pain and emotional feelings too is suffering". She did not understand that love is pain and suffering indeed but make it fun and crazy dream which might backfire one day as happened earlier in her life. She indeed is very kind and understanding women but succumbs into such pain and agony of love affairs at such gray age. 

But I wished her very successful love affairs ahead with engagement ring on her finger from his boyfriend one day and live rest of life with showers of love and reflections of perfect life. We know many of us failed in the matter of perfect married life but manages to push ahead with adjustments from different angles. Hope she can adjust well hereafter and make this short life a joyous moment and say Bye with smiles on her face when her death bell rings. How much troubles and pain she underwent is immeasurable as single life without any one look after. I as poor and helpless person could not help her but just to say few kind words as consolation note to keep on fighting with life when her financial stability goes critically low. No one could have understood her status better than me as strong observer and friend. Hope she will have wonderful life ahead with her new boyfriend and enjoying the holiday in the beach areas. It was my silent wish and prayer that recited for her during my prayer sessions to have good husband in her life and live happy and successful life which finally did actualized with her and she is now making it happened fully. My simple prayer was replied and came true.

My heart bleeds when someone suffers in pain, tearful and loneliness. I have learned to live with difficult times and lonely life even during sickness and hardship with financial stress as student life. It was another battle that I won from all hard times at Bangkok. I know I am flying back to my homeland soon and breath the clean air of Thunder Dragon. I would like to dedicate this article to my only best friend and wish her long and happy life ahead! Life is short but death is certain. In this matter, we may not meet after my departure to Bhutan but my best wishes and prayers are always with you. Push the life ahead and learn to live alone instead of having wrong friend!

Mindu Wangdi

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