Saturday, December 13, 2014

The faithful Pet Dog

On 12th December 2014, seeping spy wine to kill off my extreme boredom at V.M Mansion. I was joined by my Thai brother and sister to for a drink and chat for the night hours. With his bald and barren head dazzling  with light, brother shared me very sad story of his faithful pet dog that he adopted at his house long time ago. It was tough time for him to find the seller of that pet which he searched in Google but finally he  could get the contact point of the dealers. He ranged with happy mood to see his lucky pet who will join as the new family member. Reaching the owner's house brought him great delight and happiness for he was able to get reunion with his past life parent "would be pet"  as Buddhist always belief and stress on. Paying the exact amount that the owner demanded and came with his favorite pet to have fun and joy by providing love and care that we all expect from our owner. 

Showering with great love and care to his new family member and time went by without any notice. One day, the poisonous snake visited his house and the faithful pet could bark and chase away the snake who would bite the family members. The danger from the external source was firstly noticed and sensed by their pet dog and family members never sense such life-threatening snake came into their room while they dine at table. Indeed, the snake was really frequenting their house every night from no where and the faithful pet dog did his duty to chase away by barking loudly. The family members could join him to drive away that snake or the black Naga who could kill them by just a bite.

Oh! This snake came again to their room as a ritualistic visit. They did not give much damn to it but that was a significant bad omen for the family. That night, the faithful pet dog tried his best to chase away the deadly poisonous snake as ritualistic duty. It was very unlucky duty for the pet dog which got bitten by that deadly snake on his nose. They rushed him to the hospital immediately, but very sadly, it was declared as curfew on that night and moreover the traffic in Bangkok is horrible. The pet dog's life was getting shorter and shorter every minutes with attack from poison injected by snake bite. Finally, they could not save this faithful pet dog from this deadly attack of poison and passed away on the lap of my brother. Reaching the story at this juncture, his eyes were dripping with tears and emotionally broke down. How sad it was listening to such great sacrifice that pet dog made for other family members who could have dead if he was not in the family. With broken-heart it was buried under the soil and he could not think of buying any new pet hereafter for it was such a pain and great loss in his life. 

We Bhutanese people always say that "Dogs are faithful animals than cats". This story proved  by this sad sacrifice of faithful pet dog who saved the lives of owners. If he was not in that house as pet, one of their family members could have died out of snake bite and traffic congestion. Therefore, I dedicate all my small collection of merits to this pet dog who was supposed to be Buddha in dog form came to save my brother's family members.  I also share the pain and loss of such faithful and good pet of my brother indeed.  We should be always kind to our animals and save them from mass killing.  May the peace and happiness prevail on this earth with harmony an love. May the obstacles of human and animals be reduced and waive off by the power of Guru Rinpoche.

Mindu Wangdi

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