Sunday, May 4, 2014

Heartbreaking Journey After Death.

Life is uncertain but the death is certain and sure to knock our door one day to every sentient beings in different ways like chronic  sickness, accidents, starvation and wars.We have birthday celebrations but no death day celebration. Every one does feel pain and loss at heart to see our dearest ones dying and leaves us suddenly from our hands. That is the truth. Nothing is permanent on this earth, even the mother earth, oceans, mountains, air and fire have to get extinct from this world one day leaving no traces behind, which we all human beings clings at too much and suffer greatly.  We all wanted to live forever without the Death visiting our homes to snatch our life forces. This dream is not really going to be true. Be prepared for the worst event in life. 

I hear many people die from air plane crash, ferry sinking, natural disaster, wars, car accidents and die from cancers and we all wish them "Rest In Peace" as a sign of love and farewell to them. What if, the dead souls does encounter with these fearful and wrathful forms of masks dances on their lone journey towards another rebirth depending upon ones good deeds on earth. Such wrathful mask dances are shown during festivals in Bhutan to know them well and be familiar with to reduce the torture and fear from such dances arriving towards Death souls holding dangerous weapons to destroy and punish for the sinful life we lived on earth. There is only one good friend after death is "The White God" Lha Karpo who will save us from hellish torture by defending to the "Lord of Death". Shinjay Choegi Gyelp. The retinue of "Black Devil" or Dre Nagchung will drag the dead souls with his black ropes tied on their neck for the final judgement of one's good and bad deeds on this earth. If we lived very sinful life, the judgement is sure for hellish rebirth until we pay the debt of our sins. And if we lived very virtuous life; the judgement is for the Heavenly rebirth with support of "White God". Therefore, everything is in our hand while we chose the black or white path after death. Regretting after death is of no use since the harm is already done and result will show up for our deeds. 

What if the dead souls goes everyday hungry and thirsty journey alone. Nothing to carry with them after death as we do on this world. There is no ATM and VISA card facilities in intermediate state of life. There is no TESCO outlet services to pick some food items but all dangerous figures of black devils hooping to kill and crush it many times. The hard earned money, cars, building and family is of no use after death. Our body is already buried and burned down but our mind is still wandering,  longing for the food and water to satiate it in Bardo "Intermediate state". Can they really "Rest in Peace" if it is the case, life after death. I feel pity for the dead souls going through such tormenting life alone. No one is going to come and support but we need to face ourselves for 49 days maximum. 

What if the dead souls can see their relatives eating, chatting and wanted to talk and share their feelings of pain. The human naked eyes cannot see our dead souls even though dead ones can see us clearly. How much pain and suffering that dead souls will feel when we don't reply their talk and see it. Do we really think the dead souls will enjoy or "Rest In Peace" after death. There is no traces of warm clothes and heating agents in the intermediate state but freezing cold. If it is the case, what we can do for them to reduce their turbulence encounter for 49 days in the search of another rebirth depending on their good deeds.

The Buddha Dharma have solutions to help them with our death rituals and recitation of mantras which can help to gather huge merits by the dead souls and get swift rebirth from that tortuous life they undergo. Guru Rinpoche, the second Buddha left many texts and teachings for supporting the death souls by the realized Masters and monks in different ways.

Therefore, can we really wish our dead souls with wording "RIP" "Rest In Peace" or should we shift our paradigm and help the death ones with practical rituals spending some money rather than depositing in Banks with options available in the Tantric Buddhism if we really love our dead souls. Wishing them "Rest In Peace" really does not provide any help for the situation is different and very tough life alone encountering the fearful forms of dances. The merit that I get from writing this article is dedicated  to all dead souls to reduce the fearful encounters and tortures from Black devils and get swift good rebirth to continue and practice Buddha Dharma on this earth.

Mindu Wangdi

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