Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Online Hunting

The  Eastern Bhutan is very famous for its culture of "Night Hunting" descended from our forefathers and society looked down as a menace. It simply means that men in the village enters the house of girls for sexual intercourse and finally declared their marriage if they were fated only or might bring bad results of leaving many bastards behind. The principle of Yin-Yang (good and bad)  is found in any actions that we human beings attempt to achieve our lustful goals. Nevertheless, this culture is dying slow death due to the influence of modernization process and educational impact on population of our society. This culture will write its legacy on the sand banks of the oceans. This was how men find their partners by travelling very long distances in the night hours with torch lights on. How hard and difficult it was for men to find their life long partner in those olden days. 

Bhutan is now leaping a frog jump with its modernization process. The introduction of Telecommunication services invited the facilities like Facebook, Wechat, Line, Skype, and Hangouts in the mobile applications. We are trying to catch up with the other world in term of modernization process in every sectors. In this matter, I can see and hear that modern way of hunting girls in this 21st Century is "Online" with use of Facebook, Line, Wechat etc. I feel sorry to those forefathers who were unlucky people struggled to travel long distances to find their life partner during the night hours after working whole day to exist with little stuff. With modernization, the world is connected as a small global village. Nowadays, the modern gentlemen are hunting down pretty ladies of the world and having fun every time. 

The modern trend of night hunting is changed to 24 hours hunting with support from information communication technology and Wi-Fi and 3G data cards as their means of connection in the world wide websites. The facebook, Wechat and Line users send thousands of friend requests to those pretty ladies of other countries and start their 24 hunting process of lustful goals. This is the modern way of hunting down the prey "lady" by educated gentlemen. The older generation people could visit few homes looking for girls in the village. But today our gentlemen have huge luck to hunt down world wide girls with support of Information Communication Technology. How easy and fast to find the girl friends online by our modern men as compared to our forefathers never achieved their targets. I am just wandering how many online girl friends do a single men have? The number may go up to thousands from different countries, planning to have fun each other. But older the generation could have few girls after long struggle as their friend.

Don't be surprised the men were blamed for hunting down the ladies in the olden days. The trend is completely changed. The modern ladies are now hunting for men online 24 hours. They will send their online friend requests to the best and handsome men for acceptance. The men get ballooned up with such request and start their conversation such "are you single" or "Married". There is thin line between days and nights in this modern world. Many hours of chat on line exchanging their sweet words with hidden daggers behind to kill each other." The main intention of chat is to hunt down each other one day". How many hours do we wasted in the chat with those strangers. Was it successful and fruitful? Many ladies got trapped in this circle of cheat from their chat partners who never tell the truth. Even the men got cheated by the pretty lady for their ambitious plans to exploit services for free.

Therefore, the definition of night hunting is changed to 24 hours hunting "Online" with the help of modern amenities like Facebook, Wechat and Lines. Never to blame for the older generation people for their deeds and way of life. We modern gentlemen are more worse than those forefathers. We are hunting down the girls of different Countries where they could reach few households. Learn to appreciate our forefathers and pay homage to their sacrifice for leaving us the best part of life. May their mind rest with Peace and Calm!

Mindu Wangdi


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Day Dreams

Life is so cheerful and charming when I live in my dream world after long hours of work and studies to meet my expectations and desires that never ends in my mind. I am really bogged down by superficial dreams to achieve in my life as an educated lot. The first dream that I always dream is to visit Australia and do some jobs that may earn some income to make me wealthy and happier person in the society.  When Mr. Mindu Wangdi fly to Australia  is another unresolved mystery and day dream that chills my back bone. The fate only can change my destinations.

The second day dream I have in my mind is to drive a posh Toyota Land-cruiser Prado on the roads of my village, Gomdar, as a successful man after his long duration of studies and much struggles in life. And my country people visiting me with their rejoice and happiness in my achievement.The fact is that I don't even have small car to drive for family use. Will my dream really be realistic one in the future? 

The third day dream I have in my mind is to become Chief Executive Officer of successful company in the world and show my innovative ideas so that company will flourish well for longer generations with maximum profits. The fame of that company will spread like wild fire to ten directions of Universe and stock prices will shoot up.

The fourth day dream that I have in my mind to become Prime Minister of Bhutan and rule the Nation with economic success and well being for the public is created. I want to make Bhutan one of the richest Nations in Asia  and our people  will visit other countries as high end-tourists and blow away the dollars with pomp.

The last day dream I have in my mind is to get fully enlightened and end my suffering on this six realms of hellish world leaving no traces of my body. Dreaming to attain the Buddha-hood with halo of rainbow body with the blessings of my root masters and Guru Rinpoche. I am sharing my wild dreams so that all of you can enjoy and rejoice like me. The best part of our life is day dreaming and wishing without answers from anywhere. I console my life with such day dreams. May you have day dreams and have fun with it. May you live long and happy life.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hunting for the "Blackbox"

The disappearance of Boeing 777 with its passengers on board  from the vast mid air into nowhere is still unresolved mystery looming around the world sending shocks and stress to all and creating hot news for everyone. The hunt for the plane's "Blackbox" is another daunting task that many Nations are carrying on by brushing through the Ocean beds and floating objects with help of advanced satellite images that we trust so much. Sometimes, scientific advancement really did not solve the human pains and sufferings; rather it added more on the end-users when it fails badly to answer our immediate needs and wants as we all dreamed to work perfectly. Such is the human intelligence that cannot bring any lasting solutions to end the human sufferings with business innovations of "Blue Oceans" strategy. Our own scientific creation has turn into Self-Destroyer as well. Anything that we create and innovate in the hope of getting comfort and happiness turns into destructive forces. The same thing happened with Boeing 777 that destroyed many lives on board after providing comfort and happiness for short duration. 
Did the human race  really understand the fact of Self-Destruction is increasing with nuclear war heads which will end the human race one day? It is sad to see that hunt for the plane's "Blackbox" is not achievable at all since the life of battery might end soon even if we break through. The main reason for hunting the "blackbox" or recorder is to solve the mystery of flight accidental cause and cool down the heated up relatives in China with strong proof and save from the legal battle sued by stakeholders. Moreover, the safety of planes will be planned accordingly in the future mishaps. The lessons will be used as the precautionary measures by the operators. Most of the blackboxes were recovered and solved the mystery behind as per the records.
In the same way, I am also hunting for "blackbox" known as "Enlightenment"  that was really possible for Lord Buddha to reach that highest level of achievement in his one life time. As compared to the search of Boeing 777 blackbox for the past three weeks; my search for the "truth" or "Enlightenment" has gone for several years with my available resources at hand. Still I am also hunting for this hidden object inside my body. In case of me, I am handicapped  and lagging behind  in search operations due to lack of scientific equipments and economical back up to reveal the truth to the world. It would be wonderful if someone can suggest me the top secret paths that I can walk on to reach that Blackbox known as Enlightenment. I knew that I lost my track and wandering for many generations in this hellish realms in different bodily forms depending on my merits and good deeds.
The msytery of Boeing 777 may be solved soon but my mystery of reaching the blackbox or Enlightenemnt may not be resolved at all by me. There is big question mark in my mind; Will Mr. Mindu Wangdi really achieve to find his own blackbox in this life? Or will he continue to wander in this hellish world to complete his cycle of pains and sufferings being born from his own bad deeds? My deep and sincere prayers are dedicated to all lost lives in different ways of death everyday. May all sentient beings find one day the real blackbox of self-truth known as "Enlightenment." and enjoy the Blissful state of life with out pain and sufferings forever.

Mindu Wangdi